Chapter 8

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I glanced at the bag Arthur had given to me, laying on the bed. In it lay my way out and I knew that once I opened it I'd be one step closer to freedom. But why couldn't I move ? Maybe it was the fear that this could all be a prank and I'd be stuck here for a long time or is it that I'm scared of going back?

It has been a while since I last saw all my family and friends and most especially my husband. I was scared of facing him after being away for so long. What of he has moved on?

I realized however that I couldn't keep second guessing or else Jay would be back and he'd catch me trying to get help. He'd gone out to prepare a surprise for me since the doctor advised him that I'd be more stressed if I stayed in this house longer than is required.

Quickly I reached inside the bag and opened it. Inside lay a phone and a large paper folded over. I reached to it to see a map and a letter folded inside it.

'Amanda ,this map provides you with all the possible routes out of that place. I convinced Jay to take you out often so use that time to study the area. I've also given you this phone to call for help and tell them to not announce until you're safe and sound and if need be explain why. I have no personal contact of your husband but use the article I've attached at the bottom right corner of the map it contains contact information. The map is a precaution Incase the contact is no longer in use. If you get out safe please don't mention me in any way as I told you I owe Jay and he'd have my head if this got out. I wish you luck my dear. '
PS:the phone is traceable so be very careful.

I quickly dial the number on the article and hold my breath as it begins to ring.
My hope is crushed when it rings continuously but no one picks up. I redial the number and there is still no answer. My hands get clammy and I begin to sweat.

Then I remember a number from long ago and dial it. Luke once told me,"I'll always have this with me in case you get in trouble. It'll be like a secret code so always keep it in mind. "

I hastily dial the number and wait impatiently.

It rings once and I think no one is going to pick when I hear his voice,

It's really him.

My voice is caught in my throat and I soon notice I'm crying. Hearing me sniff he goes silent for a while and asks,
"Amanda? Is that you?" I can hear the pain in his voice. I want to shout and say to him , 'yes my love it is' but how do I talk to him after so long.

"Please say something. It has to be you. Only you knew this number. Say something. " The desperation and despair is so clear in his voice.
I have to say something.
"Luke?He's holding me hostage please come get me. "I cry out.
"It's really you,"he chokes out,
"where exactly are you my love I'll come right now. "
"I don't know I've never been allowed out please help me Luke. "
"Don't worry my love I'll find you, I'll get every single police Force unit if I have to. "
"No. Don't. "
"What?Why?How am I supposed to get to you then?" I can clearly hear the despair in his voice.
"What if this leaks out and he hears of it. He'll kill me Luke. "
"You're right . I'm sorry I'm just very tense. I'll get my most trusted people to track this call don't worry. I'll not tell anyone about this until you're safely back. "
"Please hurry. "
"I'll try my best but you have to tell me who he is......."
"Debbie?I'm back. "Jay shouted from the front door.
" Oh no I have to go "
"You have to stay on the call long enough to trace it. "
"He's back . Please hurry. "
"Leave it on call and hide it. "

I didn't want to take the risk but right then it fell off my hands and under the bed and I rushed to hide the rest of the stuff on the bed. Right when I was about to come look for it Jay walks in. I guess I'll leave it there but I remember I didn't mute it and if anyone on the other side says anything I'm dead. I have to take Jay out of this room as soon as possible and hope that Luke will be here before I'm really dead.

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