Chapter 14

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Jay has driven us crazy for the past month or so. Ever since I came back Luke and I have barely spent time together trying to rekindle our relationship. All we ever talk about is Jay and I'm sick of it. Luke is constantly on the phone trying to get information on Jay's whereabouts and I think it's about time I talk to him about it. I walk towards his office holding a tray of food for his breakfast. As I'm about to enter, I hear him yelling at someone.

"She is your sister how can you do that to her?"

"But I love you, when is it my turn to be happy? I thought you'd give me a chance when she was gone but you never even looked at me."

"That's because she is my wife and I love her. I'll let this slide for the sake of Mandy and I won't say anything to her. This should never repeat itself."

"Yeah yeah whatever."

I decided now would be a perfect time to show myself before someone walks out and finds me eavesdropping. I firmly knock on the door and after hearing a mild welcome I show myself in. Surprise surprise my sister Lily not so subtly throws a dirty look at me before quickly covering it up with an obviously fake smile. What is her problem?

"Hey, sis I didn't know you visited."

"Yeah, I stopped by because I needed to talk to Luke. I was actually about to come say hi before I left. He and I are done." 

I walk over to where Luke is sitting and place his food on the table before leaning in for a quick kiss. I gesture towards the food and he gives a slight nod and a smile grazes his lips.

"Well if that's the case how about we go catch up while Luke continues on with his work."

"I'm actually in a bit of a rush how about you just walk me to the door."


We walk for a minute or so in awkward silence before she clears her throat quite loudly might I add.

"How are you and Luke doing?"

"We are fine. Still trying to get back to how we were before all of this happened."

"It must be difficult for him I imagine."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you know, you lived with another man for three years, and the entire time he was hung up on trying to find you. He never even considered moving on for a single day. Coming to terms with it might be a little difficult for him, don't you think?"

"Well not really I mean he would have told me. I asked him a few times to talk it out if he needs space to deal with all these." I feel like I was just trying to convince myself at this point.

"Well, I'm just saying it's not like he would tell you this knowing it would hurt you. I'm not trying to put this on you I'm just saying he might be having a difficult time  and doesn't know how to go about it."

"Thank you Lily I get to understand him more you know I'm still trying to refigure everything out."

"You're welcome."

" It was nice seeing you again and please say hi to mum for me."

We say our goodbyes which if I'm being honest feel a little tense. Something is up with Lily for sure. The entire time she only talked about Luke and didn't even ask a single thing about how I was for the past three years. But then again she does have a point I need to think about. Could it be that Luke is actually not ok with the fact that I was with another man?

I head up to Luke's office and sit right opposite him and stare keenly at him while he eats. He stares up at me and offers me a confused smile,"Why are you staring at me?"

"Luke, can I ask you something?"

"Ummm sure what's wrong?"

"Why did you wait for me for so long? I mean you are a very handsome man you could have easily found yourself someone else. Why wait for me without a guarantee I would come back?"

"Because I loved you then and I still do love you."

"But what if I never remembered or worse what if I was really dead?"

"I would have found my way to you one way or the other and I knew in my heart you weren't really dead." I go to sit on his lap and suddenly attack him with kisses as my heart melts at his words.

"I love you Luke so much and you know that but I feel like I'm being unfair to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for the three years I was missing I lived with Jay convinced I was his wife and you were out here searching day and night for me. Don't you think its unfair?"

"Mandy I love you and when I said for better or worse I meant it and besides I can't blame you for somthing you had no control over. This is our second chance and that's why I'm trying to get to Jay before he gets to you."

"About that I've been meaning to talk to you regarding Jay. The thing is I feel like Jay took a huge part of my life for those three years and even now that im back he is still taking away my happiness.Ever since I came back all we've been doing is be wary ,every conversation is about Jay we haven't even been able to talk about us how we're going to rebuild our relationship. Jay ruined us back then and he still is and I don't want to let that keep happening. I want us to be open with each other be like before, don't you want that?"

Luke simply stares at me seemingly in thought before his face lights up and he places a long kiss on my lips

"I want nothing more my love."

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