Chapter 16

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I stepped into family home like I was raging war. I'm a woman on a mission after all. My parents and I have met only twice after my return and I hate that the one time I visit freely it is anything but happy. Agatha,our housekeeper rushes to greet me and attempts to make small talk but quickly  backs away once she notices the look on my face. Without even turning to face her I speak just one sentence to her,

"Call everyone down,NOW."

She scurries off and within a few minutes my parents hurry down the stairs. My mother ever so jovial and sweet rushes to engulf me in a hug but her face soon turns to a frown as she notices my bad mood. My father being one to read the room quite easily gently hugs me and sits down as we all wait for Lily.

With everyone having noticed the tense atmosphere,no one attempts small talk but wait patiently for me to say what all this is about. Five minutes later, Lily walks down taking her sweet time and I don't miss the way she rolls her eyes when she notices me. When she is finally close she looks me dead in the eyes and asks , "what's this about?" As of nothing happened yesterday. I don't even attempt to greet her as I clear my voice to speak my mind on what brought me home.

"As you all know I recently got back and I'm still trying to adjust to my actual life after the ordeal I had with Jay but Lily is trying to cross some boundaries that I cannot overlook. Mum you know I love you from the depth of my heart. Since you married dad you've been nothing but kind to me and took me as your own and as such I took Lily as my biological sister and treated her the best way possible. I have nothing but love and respect for you and that is why I choose to say this in front of you instead of starting a fight with her."

My mom looks panicked as I start this clearly sensing something more serious.

"Since I came back, Lily here has visited Luke quite a few times and I happened to overhear two of those conversations she had with him and in those conversations she is telling Luke to leave me for her. She went as far as to call me a slut in front of my husband. My sister called me a slut in front of my husband. She is supposed to be right now, supporting me but she goes behind my back and insults me. She is supposed to be defending me but she's the one dragging my name through the mud. " I take a few minutes to calm down while mum rushes by my side as they both turn to throw Lily death glares.

"I want you both to help me ask her what I could have possibly done to her to warrant such treatment. What is it that she couldn't have talked to me about that caused her to act the way she did." A few tears stream down my face as I'm unable to control my emotions.

Lily hangs her head down in shame as dad's scolds and yell at her about her behavior. Mum soon joins in and they both caution her against a repeat at her. Mum is the most angry as she screams at her.
"How could you do this to your only sister? Hasn't she been through enough? Can't you let her have a break. I brought you up to be compassionate and loving,what happened to you?What have you turned into?I am so disappointed in you. I cannot believe that my own daughter could be this heartless."

Mum pulls me tighter into her as I sob quietly. It hurt me deeply that the sister I loved so much beares so much hatred for me that she could do that to me.

Lily also starts to cry and kneels down right in front of us her head still cast down.
"Dad,mum, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me when I was saying all those things. Sis, please forgive me. I swear I won't do it again. Please don't be mad at me I will change. I promise. "

Mum and dad seemmoved by her apology but I don't buy it. The change was so quick for me to believe it. After a tense discussion they convince meto move past it and forgive her on the condition that she changes which is  something we'll see with time. I'll be keeping a very close eye on her before then.

Now that that part is taken care of I head home ready to focus on my man and my man alone.

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