Chapter 3

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Seems like when you actually want something it doesn't come but when you actually don't need it,it comes so easy. In our years of marriage I've always hated when Jay had to leave but now that I actually want him gone as soon as possible he doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

I can feel myself getting impatient and I know it is only a matter of time before Jay notices something is wrong. Lucky for me he soon heads out in the name of taking a walk and I immediately start tearing up his office.

I have no idea what exactly I am looking for but I know if I wanted any type of answer to all the questions in my head the key is in this room somewhere. I just realized I'd never taken my time to study his office and now that I was scanning through I noticed how big it really was.

I hastily go through all his shelves looking for any form of information. I have already gone through his desk cabinets and all his folders on the table all to no avail.

Just as I am about to give up I notice a middle shelf that has all the book rearranged in a disorderly way. Jay is obsessed with arranging his books in an alphabetical order in each shelf . Thinking that I have somehow disorganized the place while trying to look for proof I quickly start to arrange the books.

I place the last book and turn to leave when all of a sudden the two middle shelves start to part and in between them was a switch. Curious,I press on it and surprisingly one of the walls opens up and I can see a staircase leading to some sort of basement from where I stand.

What the actual f*ck.

Cautiously I walk towards the flight of stairs and before I can back out I start descending them one by one. The lower I go down the darker it gets and I have to grope the walls to steady myself. Luckily for me I don't walk too long before I feel a switch just as I reach the lowest stair. I have always prided myself I being able to stay calm but upon glancing at this room I don't know if I can today.

Inside this room lies dozens of monitors and I can clearly tell what they are for. Through them I can be able to see every single corner of this house apart from Jay's office and the hallways leading to the his office and the bedrooms. I'm sick to my stomach,he has been spying on my every move.

I look around the room unable to believe what's in front of me then suddenly something catches me eye from the corner,a box. I can't clearly see what it contains but I can see something of a red colour peaking at the top.

I walk over hastily noticing that I've been looking through Jay's things for almost half a day. My eyes shine delightfully as I glance at a red folder one that very closely resembles the one I saw him stacking some documents into a while back. I pull it out only to discover three more folders with the same colour underneath it. I pull all of them out and place them on a desk just by the corner and decide to go through each.

I look through the first and it doesn't take me long to figure out that those are Jay's former work files. Jay said he was into real estate when we moved here and I could see a lot of that into this folder and in the next one too.

I place them aside since I was done with them and start rummaging through the next one. Inside it was all detailed about oil extraction and a lot of information I did not understand about an oil company. Quickly realizing that I was getting nowhere with that,I open the last of those folders.

I don't know what I expected from them but it definitely wasn't about me finding the same story I'd been reading on the magazine the day Jay had caught me. I look through and all I could see is a collection of the same business man in the magazine.

What was so special about him that Jay stacked his interviews and hid them there? More curious than ever I take out one of the interviews and start reading through it. After finishing that interview my head starts spinning. I could have ignored it had I not seen the picture attached below it.

What on earth is going on?

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