Chapter 21

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Lily's POV
Amanda has been a thorn on my flesh. Why did she have to come back. Everything was good. Luke was still stuck on her but I could feel his resolve waver with every conversation we had but she had to ruin everything. She has no idea how much I had to put into her stupid accident years ago. Everything had to be perfect then to make sure everything went according to plan. The turn,the other car,her brakes failing,it all had to be perfect. And I did all that for what. Stupid Jay could not keep his own end of the bargain. He let her go. Three years and he still couldn't control her. Anyway all that is about to change. This is my second chance but I can't do it alone. Well I can but I need a scapegoat once all of this is done.

"Hey Jay, here's your retribution. Mandy is pregnant for you and she's spending the day at the clinic......don't worry she'll be alone. I'm sure of it......Don't mess up this time. "

Mandy after this you'll wish you were never born. I'll take care of you once and for all.

Jays POV
She is pregnant. She is expecting a child for me. Even after he stole her from me our love still prevailed. I had to hide because he was after me. He wants her so bad he will eagerly get rid of me. Of course I couldn't let that happen. I had her first. She loved me and she still does. Why else would she keep the seed of our love?

Lucky for me Lily has always been on my side and related to the love I have for her. I don't understand how she can love him but as long as she can get him to leave my woman alone I guess I can't complain. I will get her back today. I must get her back then we can start our little family together.

Wait for me baby. I'm on my way.

Luke's POV
I honestly needed space. Staring at the empty field ahead of me I release air I didn't realize I was holding in.
She is pregnant for that scam. I can't understand how we overlooked something as important as this. How could it have skipped my mind to run a thorough medical examination the minute we got her back. What kills me most is that she didn't even plan this and at such I can't be mad at her but she still apologized. She felt like she wronged me through something she couldn't control. I lost it and I shouldn't have. She is as innocent in this whole mess as I am and whether that child is his or not I will support her and walk through this with her. After all that's happened this is not the one thing that will tear us apart. I refuse to let that happen. I start my car about to head back home when my phone rings and it's a call from Mike and I immediately know something is wrong.

"You might want to come to the warehouse around your street. Shit is about to go down."  Mike has never been one for explanations but I can tell just from that that everything is far from fine.

Mandy's POV
I knew they'd fall into my trap. How gullible and to follow me in public too. It doesn't take long before he 'abducts' me from the hospital and I am tied at the back seat of a grey sedan probably lent. He drives me to a warehouse just around our street. I cannot believe it he's been hiding out here and we had no idea. Oh well it's no use knowing that now. I make the best attempt to look as scared,pitiful and pathetic as I possibly can and surprise surprise he buys it.

We settle in and he pulls me a seat apologizing profusely for being rough with me. I internally roll my eyes as he makes no motion to untie me. If he really were sorry he'd do that at least. He is in the middle of setting me 'comfortably' in that chair when we hear a pair of heel strutting in. I raise my head towards the noise and no surprise when I come face to face with Lily holding a gun in our direction with the most evil and vile look.

"Mandy Mandy Mandy. You have no idea how much I've waited for this day. You. You took Luke away from me. I tried everything and you still came back. Why do you look so shocked? Surprised? Why do you think I never came with on the girls' trip?Ohh my dear sis you still think that was an accident?"
I take a moment to take in her words.
"I could've died."
"Yeah that would have been the best case least then you'd be gone for good. Anyway I had to settle for what I got I had a backup plan for when you survived but even he messed up. Now I'll take care of both of you once and for all. And guess what the best part is no one gets to know it's me. "
I look at her confused. I wonder how she would get out of this one.
"It's simple. Obsessed lover you know him kills you and kills himself. Poor guy couldn't bear to live without you."
She is about to let out a laugh but sees the smirk on my face. I tilt my head a little towards her back and she turns around to Mike and all his men coming in and around us. One of them moves behind to untie my hands as she waves her gun around us trying to find an exit.
"It's simple really sis. When I regained my memory I knew it wasn't as simple as it seemed so right after I called Luke I called someone else. Lily dear you remember my assistant Kayden right? You know no one can handle matters as discretely as him and he flew in right about the same time Luke and his team did. His mission however was to follow Jay and he did an amazing job. I knew you were working with him. This whole thing was a trap and guess who fell for it. "

"I'm not going to let you have the last laugh. If I can't have him then no one will."she bitterly exclaimed as she aimed the gun at ma and fires. Having not expecting that I'm too shocked to move and as my instincts kick in last minute the bullet hits my stomach.

I don't even notice it until Luke comes rushing towards me panic in his eyes. As I'm falling I see Lily also falling but don't get the time to register what happens as darkness quickly engulfs me.

I wake up to beeping and a sharp pain around my stomach. Luke quickly rushes to my side holding my hand in his.
"I almost lost you again." He says quietly his voice cracking.
"I'm still here. What happened?"
"You were shot Mandy. You could've died."
"I know and I'm sorry for putting you through this again but I needed this to end for us to finally have peace."
"I know you did but I don't want you to ever do that again. Promise me you won't put your life in danger like that again. "
"I won't I promise."I chuckle a bit as he explains about Lily and Jay's arrest. Apparently she was only hit by rubber bullets and only fell back because of the impact. He eyes me cautiously as I clutch my side being reminded of the pain in my stomach area. I look down and Luke's expression turns nervous.
"Uhh.....Mandy I'm sorry but you lost the baby. I had to make a choice and I just couldn't lose you again. I'm sorry."
I motion for him to move closer and I engulf him in a hug. Was it wrong that I wasn't even sad about the loss? Part of me felt relieved that that part of my life took away the pain and I could finally move on.
"We're ok now." I whispered  and I meant every word of it. We were finally okay.

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