Chapter 32 *fugitive and fleeting*

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"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us."
~ Ashley Montagu

I was sure it just happened. But then it didn't look like it happened. Even though the giddy feeling I'm trying so hard to suppress is there.

I just met my long time crush when I least expect it. I knew there's a trace of smile on my face but I can't help it. I just met Haleemah even if it was for a few seconds. How will I be calm?

I was still thinking when I felt a light tap and then "yaya muj, ana magana"

I closed my eyes to suppress the murderous intent that was brewing in me but glared at her hand after, she dare touch me?

I saw her withdrew instantly before I turned to the cashier who must've said something that required my answer.

"How much did you say again?"

"100 pieces of both" I answered pointing to the mint notes on his cabinet.

She just interrupted my happy reminiscence with her irresponsibility and I just can't forgive it.

I didn't spare her a glance again even after the notes were handed over to me and I was leaving.

I got to the car, ignited it remembering the track a special someone left just a few minutes ago. She had drove backwards and forwards twice to free her car before swerving it on the busy road. And in between it, she had looked at my direction twice. I'll like to think she was looking at me because that's giving me joy on a new level.

Bring anything on today. Those few minutes have already made my day.

So when I look back and saw Hajiya Aisha outside again waiting for whatever it is she was waiting for to happen again, and Haseenah pouting beside her, I just signaled to a rickshaw driver, handed a thousand naira note to him, point to them and drove off.

She thought that shit I did earlier was for her.


"You look good, men"

I looked beyond the speaker to find my friends pretending to be unbothered by this new intrusion in the name of Khalid Smart.

"Assalamu alaikum" I say as a correction and he rubbed his hair in embarrassment before answering.

"You not even giving me a bro hug after two years, I'm hurt" he called after me as I pushed my way in. After a mother-daughter duo drama I had dealt with and the very beautiful moment I'm refusing to let go of, I didn't expect  to meet another catastrophe today.

"Look at this" I said loudly and walked towards the vanity table where there were several containers of cosmetics and whatever.

"This fall off on it's own" I touched one bottle and it fell off, rolled on the floor and disappeared under the bed.

"For days I didn't find it, and I need it. Won't I find a replacement for it?"

Someone said, "You will"

"And when I find it after I've gotten a replacement, what happens if I like the replacement better?"

Another person said "You don't really need it anymore"

So I turned to Khalid and told him "welcome back Khalid, but your presence isn't really needed anymore. You could do yourself a favor and find your way back to where you came from"

He cackled like I just made a big joke, and when he noticed we were not really in the mood to laugh, he looked at each of us and began "I know what you are all thinking. I had a huge crush on khairat, heck I loved her. I still do, but she's getting married. And I'm really only back for the wedding and my friends"

"And he just said you are not needed here!" Dan Ma'aji flared.

"I know. But I came nevertheless. Look, I'm well settled over there, if anyone wants to join me, I can clear everything up for the person. I can help anyone set up their lives over there before they settle down. Dan ma'aji, you've always wanted to go to Canada, what do you think?"

Dan maaji laughed heartily "As expected, Khalid Smart isn't really smart after all. If you'll excuse me, it's getting too stuffy in here"

He stormed out and fauzan followed suit. He's never really been a fan of Khalid. Mansur gave him a good knee jack before he left, sometimes his psychotic habit could be put to good use. While Mudathir tsked and was about to walk past him too but Khalid held him back.

"Mudi, wallahi I meant what I said. I'll spend every kobo I've earned over the years to help any of my friends. I'm not joking"

Mudathir gave him a long look and seized himself from his hold before he said "it's not about the money"

And there I saw it.

To err is human, to forgive is divine. But to know we've erred is heroic.

Khalid didn't think what he did was much of an error. And in him, he thought he'll be accepted as long as he's willing to be the same way he was before he left.

It doesn't work like that. He's hurt us all, it'll take time for us to accept him again. And it can never be the same again. That's just the bitter truth.

But Khalid is desperate to be accepted again.

"Mujahid, you believe me right? They all don't believe me. I'm really back for my friends."

"How's your sugar babe?" I asked.

"She... She's fine" he swallowed.

"See! That's the thing" I said.

I saw how realization dawned upon him and his shoulders sagged. He has to right his wrong, for anything to be alright.

Without waiting for anything else, I left to shower.

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