Chapter 33 *perfections and imperfections*

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"I love hard, always;and when it's reciprocated, I love harder"
~Duice Ruby

I didn't know how true this quote could hold until the past few weeks came to pass.

The day Berry gave me an excuse of not being human as a response to my confession, I thought only about how to hold onto her the moment she decides to let me go.

Because I wasn't going to let go easily.

I knew what I saw in her, and it was a gem I plan to treasure forever.

But one when I woke to a beautiful message of hers one day, that she wished to see what love would be like with me, I knew I couldn't ever get luckier.

But she made me understood that there's an obstacle and a secret; a reason why she never gave love a chance.

When I pry, she told me I should know at my own risk. But since it's a secret between her and her lord, and only a few people who knows, then I won't really know what it is.

All my findings showed me only perfect things about Haleemah, and all I see is her perfections and perfected imperfections.

So as a response, I told her that the secret doesn't matter. That she could keep it all she want and it is her I love. And that no secret would change that.


I walked skidding happily and counting the repeating patterns of the tiles to my apartment, like I always do. But this time the brightness I'm displaying erupts from the happiness I'm feeling from within.

I'm not faking being a happy person now. Because with Haleemah, I'm sure I'm the happiest man on earth.

"So, she's an 'Aliyy?" I heard the very voice I loath in this world a few feets away from my apartment.

"Did you come here to confirm that?" I asked not because I needed an answer.

I was sure there's nothing dad would do to an 'Aliyy. They were influential just as much as we are. If we can snap a finger, then they could do the same. More so scary that they are segregated from their extended family.

It makes me feel wonder what they are capable of doing with their strengths combined.

The first Mrs Aliyy is a matriarch and she rules with strength and wisdom. The second Mrs Aliyy may seem troublesome but she's never yielding when it comes to the family image. All the Aliyy wives have their strength and that is what we lack.

Alban family wives are second even to maids. They are treated less than human beings. After all they are just baby bearers.

"I'm sure you know there's no place for an Aliyy among the Albans, more so as the first son, you know what you need is an extremely obedient wife. She ticks only the beauty box and nothing else. A woman who wants to rule is a big threat in the Alban"

"I'm amused you seem worried about me now. Is what happened to mum getting to you?" I asked taunting him to speak so I can tell him the level of hatred I harbour against him for what happened to my mother.

"The moment she steps her legs into my apartment as a wife, just mark the days to your doom. Even if she didn't, your doom is still looming" I singsang and disappeared behind the doors of my apartment just for the headaches to begin.

The oldman never cease to amaze me. I stood before the mirror, to see what monster my father is turning me into.

And I did saw it.


"Hello love" I spoke immediately I picked up her call. Because well, she's the only source of my happiness.

"I miss you all day. But no worries, I listened to your 4pm program just to feel you" I say and she went quiet. I knew she's smiling already.

She may not believe me but I really missed her. It's already 5pm, and I haven't seen her at all today.

"I'm just driving home, how about a quick meet up along the road?" She suggested and I'm already picking my keys to leave.

"I have a surprise for you" she said and the call ended.

I was on cloud nine throughout the whole drive. The agonizing headache I suffered for almost an hour earlier didn't matter anymore.

"I got you a gift box" she says smiling.

"But you are the best gift I could ever have" I say shamelessly staring at her.

At times she squirm under my gaze, other times, she blushes. But most times she tries to pretend she isn't aware that I'm looking.

But guess what?

I'm not going to pretend not to look. I love her.

"I don't know if I ever told you this but..." She started but stopped midway.

I just wiggled my brows to tell her to go ahead. Watching her is my peace and I don't even want to look anywhere else.

"I have a secret, and I'm not human enough to be loved"


I shushed her. Because it's apparent to me that it's just her insecurities that was on display.

We all have them deeply buried under our skin. Just that some has theirs closer to the surface than others. So secret or not, I love Haleemah and that's it.

"We are already done talking about this. You are complete, you are human enough. I love you just the way you are. Do not attribute yourself to not being human again" I deadpanned.

"Look, you are beautiful, you are elegant, you are a sight for sore eyes. It's a totalism of your perfection and imperfections. And it's perfect. So don't let yourself down" I say again. If only she knew how perfect she is.

"But bright," she called."My secret is a huge  imperfection."

"Berry dear, perfections are never a secret in the first place"

She was silent for a while before she says solemnly "what if it determines the way you accept me when you find out"

"Berry dear, I love you and I'll love you with your imperfections and secrets"

"Don't let yourself down okay, for I promise that a secret won't come in between us. The love I have for you is greater than that" I concluded and she nodded.

I made sure that I've washed away the nervousness she met me with and was blushing before I let her leave.

With or without a secret, I'll love you till death do us apart.

I had texted her immediately I got back to my apartment before I unwrapped the gift box she gave me.


It's still Thursday right?

Yay, for once I met up with my arrangement!

I hope I'm able to meet up next time too.

See ya!

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