Chapter 3 " Anniversary"

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It's the third year anniversary since we got married. I left my studio to my assistant and my other trusted staff who works for me. And they are both great at their specific jobs, working them for many years through all those frustrations and problems we conquer together. They were also the big part of why I am married to Otara Ferguson; yes, one of the Fergusons has no clue what I did, but one of them bent one knee to propose just like that.

I can't help but smile the day she walks in that door, seeing her being hesitant to leave, standing in there emotionless, empty. I can't believe I gave her the reason to stay. Since that day, she teases me about always having a camera on my hand and not acting like a paid paparazzi, as most of them are being chased by one just to have a picture. ugh...!  a classic paparazzi thing.

I remember Tara telling the stories. She asked me once: Are you going to chase me too? Tara has this very cold demeanor, looking back and forth to my face and my camera holding directly, judging. But now, I am smiling, listening with her on several occasions with her other cousins being chased of my kind. Chasing those Ferguson women for pictures is a big money, but I didn't chase it; it's the other way around, so here I am now cooking a special dinner for her. I refused to make dinner reservations, take a road trip to cabins, or book a ticket to some tropical countries just to have a week-long vacation. I wanted this; it's my choice to celebrate this simple gesture of love and make it memorable each year. Tara only goes with the flow.


And for that, the oven beeps. That's enough rambling about not so epic love stories, just ordinary humans, and I need to bring my mind back to reality. I cannot help but remember those days, like it all happens in one day—just time flies, as old sayings say. Last night she made me feel so special. ah!      Nope, not that part, hell no... It's the massage on my feet; she knows me well, I guess. I always wanted a massage on my feet every time I got home, and I am not a pregnant woman after all.

So, earlier this morning, I caught her standing in front of the wall in our mini hallway of the house, with the huge window at the end serving as the light coming outside reflecting the sun's beam. I was always mesmerized by how tall Tara is, and she was looking at my huge image stick on the other side of the wall. Tara stood there crossing her arms on her chest silently staring in admiration while her other hand fidgeting with our wedding ring, and I find it weird on her; she never stood still like that looking at my image, but anyways, the feeling is mutual; she admits that she finds me weird as well.

The image I took it on my college days. I did a photo collage as an outcome, but this original copy I kept it until Tara found it, and she's a sneaky one. She made a huge print, and now she's staring at the moment. I'm silently sneaking looking at her while watching at my image; it's weird this way I'm like a spy or something since she met Yansen.

Having a partner dealing with her own past is not easy, and I need to pay closer attention to her traumas, including emotional abuse. I need to pay more attention to how she may react or handle herself, as her other half always called to pay close attention to her observing. I don't want her to pass out again of being overwhelmed.

* * *

"Here, have a taste; be careful; it's hot," she said.

"Tell me, how is it?" Jaime patiently waited.

"Always the best, I think," Tara replied.

"Ugh! Your so mean! she said, throwing the apron on her.

"Come here... your hair smells nice," Tara pulled her gently.

"Smells food, you must say," Jaime giggled.

"No, you smell fresh and look really gorgeous. Despite all the efforts, you must take all the credit—yes, I mean it all of it," Tara defended.

"I'll have some more glasses of wine," Jaime said, looking at the bottle.

"Let me; it looks like you needed an extra hand in there," she grinned, following Jaime on the table.

"Silly," Jaime said, Tara popping the bottle of wine and smelling it first before pouring the empty glasses in front of them.

"Cheers," Jaime said.

"You know, when I saw you, I judged you that you cannot cook," she laughed so hard.

"And why is that?" Jaime took a sip.

"Is it because of my line of profession?" she added, crossing her arms and holding with wine, leaning her back on the counter.

"Maybe," Tara replied, sniffing the wine.

"I was wrong that night you cooked for me, and that was so amazing. Never forget that until now," she said after sipping her wine.

They both caught their attention when Tara's phone beeped.

"Just stay in there; I'll get it for you. I know you're so tired. Make this evening a treat, okay?" said Jaime, picking up the phone on top of the kitchen counter and going back to the near side table.

"Babe, since when you have your phone having a password?"

"Oh..."" she froze.

"Hey look," she said, giving the phone, sitting in the chair, sipping her wine. The look on Jaime's face came uncomfortable right away.

"Here no more locks. I'm sorry if I made you anxious; you don't have to worry about it," Tara confidently showed she unlocked the phone, removing the password.

Tara saw the message of Yansen's reasons; she changed her mood immediately, deleting it before Jaime came more suspicious.

"I saw my cousin's name; did she need something?" she said in suspicion, sipping her wine.

"Ah, yes, she's inviting us this weekend to have dinner by the beach, have some wine, dine, enjoy the scenery, and of course the evening."

"Ah, yes, that? Sorry, I forgot she's in town. I was busy preparing our anniversary dinner," she said, enabling Tara and the situation.

"It's okay, babe."

"Did you reply to her? Why did she have your number? You two just met?"

"No, I didn't reply, and she asked when I drove her to the hotel yesterday," Tara replied, holding Jaime's hand.

"Tell her yes, we will come, and she could send us details. It's just a fifteen-minute drive to her hotel where she's staying; it's a good one; she has a taste," Jaime said, still not in the mood.

"Ah... are you too being so close?" Tara asked.

"Not much, but her sister is Pam," she replied.

"Let's finish this, and I'll go to the shower," Jaime said.

"I'll clean this first, okay," Tara offered.

"Come here, don't be worried," she hugged and gently pressed her lips to Jaime.

"Here, take my phone," Tara said, making assurance.

"No, keep it," Jaime instantly turned her back, walking away from her.

"Thanks for the delicious dinner, babe. I appreciate it a lot." Tara said departing words, and she knew something was wrong.

Note: (unedited)

hi!      There, hows your day? So far, so good?
For me, kinda yeah ^^

Please be patient with me and the book! ^^)

I have lots of chapters to post on this one! ♥️

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