Chapter 33 " Walter "

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"Hey, baby, sis..." Walter hugged her, placing the several paper bags on the couch.

"Come on in. Have a seat," Jaime offered, tapping his arms.

"Where are Tara and the baby?"

"Tara insisted on having some errands, and the baby is with her; she insisted on bringing the baby with her," Jaime explained.

"I'll go have some drinks; what do you like?" Jaime added.

"Just coffee, please," he replied, following Jaime to the kitchen instead of sitting down.

"Hey, what are you doing? Just stay there," Jaime said, smiling.

"No, I wanted to see my baby sister; how is she really doing these days?" he said, looking outside the garden.

"I'm all good, big brother; you don't have to worry about me." Jaime had a tea bag on her mug.

"Really, you do? I have heard what happened with Yansen," he expressed his concerns.

'Okay, I know that face... and let us wait for your coffee,'Jaime tries to tone down the tense.

"That face is it asking me if I am coping up?" Jaime placed a cup of coffee on the top counter, placing it in front of him.

"Yes, Jaime, how did you gather all those sh*ts and stuff, hmm?" He asked nicely.

' Come, let us go outside to the garden. "Jaime said that he had followed her.

"How's it?" she smiled.

"The coffee is good as the way I like," he replied on his face.

"Again, Jaime, how did you cope with all of these with her?' He said, taking another sip.

Thank you for your comment. I am partially heartbroken; I cannot be angry with them. The situation: Yes, I am pissed. Yes, I want to scream and shout or kill someone, but I can't." Jaime placed her tea on the small table.

"What happened here?" Walter noticed.

'Tara throwing her rage in here', Jaime replied, uncomfortable.

"I see," he said, looking at those shattered glasses and wood chair that broke one leg on it.

"Well, we're all caught up in the situation, and first I am so sorry about it. I am keeping my silence. It's just that it's hard for me on my part to care for both people at the same time, and she is still our cousin, and you are my dearest sister, and it consumed me really, but your too kind, Jaime, you are, which is why Tara stays and makes things work for both of you. She really loved you, but I saw the pain.

"I cannot turn my anger to anyone," Jaime confessed.

"Turn it on me; it's really on me if I did tell you from the very beginning," he offered sincerely to Jaime.

"No, no. One fault; we are all caught up in everything.

"Don't say that. What about you, Jaime? Your feelings. You need to recognize that. Don't do the same mistake like I did. It literally consumed the hell out of me." encouraging
Jaime is acting like a big brother who always protects her.

"Well, we need to be f*cked up in order to learn something," Jaime said, sipping her tea while looking away.

' It's hard, but I make the baby my reason to keep going. I needed to; I need to be there for her; she doesn't deserve this chaos." Jaime stared at her mug.

"And what about Tara?" Walter placed her cup on the mini table with scratches on every surface and broken surfaces.

"She's doing the same, keeping things all together, still dealing with the side effects of the accident and coma..still having her treatment though, but she managed to hide it, but I knew her it's just I cannot do it all; I let things unfold naturally.

"And how are you really these days?" Walter held her hand.

"At the moment, I am happy thinking about the gift," Jaime smiled.

"Oh! the house property you mention, so how's it?" He said, smiling and thrilled.

"I can't believe how beautiful the actual house is, Walter." Jaime, trying to compose herself, held back for the excitement she felt.

"I saw the images you sent me; I tried to sink in my mind of the idea of you. Imagine you only looking at it several days, and in a day, she purchased the house. I mean, wow!" Walter was mind-blown thinking what Tara did for her sister.

"And hey. The third day you visited it, and on the fourth day it's ready to be wow...I sometimes forgot you married one of the fergusons. I cannot believe it, and the house named after you and the baby is all yours," Walter continued.

"Yup. I didn't have any idea she sneeks on me like that," Jaime said, slightly smirking.

"And she said you will live there with the baby if you want, minus her if you don't want her to be..." Walter confronted her.

"I think she cares about your well-being, little sister.. and specifically, she had a baby with you, Jaime, and most of all, she does love you," Walter says, brushing both hands on his face, still in an awe, trying to compose himself.

"Even if I tried to make or feel anger towards her, I couldn't; I saw real Otara Walter. If I put my shoe on her, I cannot imagine how Yansen breaks her; she still struggles with trauma." Jaime expresses sympathy for her.

"Yes, I get you, Jaime; it's just our cousin Yansen breaking her. The way I see it and as you describe it, I cannot imagine you making the best of Tara. I thought she would become a stone," he laughed.

"Rude...! I can see that it is just Yansen,' Jaime said, stopping him.

"She's not marriage material or type; she's kind of a free-spirited person or easy-going, but in a way she's breaking people's hearts and souls, and for that part, I don't favor it, even if she's our cousin. I'm so sorry to Tara; she seemed like a good person." Walter also expressed his sympathy towards her.

"One of the reasons why I can't blame Tara. Why did she orchestrate the fake vows of our wedding? I guess that Tara just met the wrong person and shed too much to be with them. I am still in the process of healing what she did, but I pulled strength on our baby." Jaime enabled the situation seeing the other bigger picture of it.

"You do the right thing, Jaime. I'm very proud of you, and also congratulations on the new house, Jaime. I'm so happy for you and the baby." Walter hugged her sister.

"I have to go now; my partner is waiting. I need to call him," he said, kissing Jaime's forehead and releasing himself.

"Thanks again for the goodies for the baby," Jaime said, waving her hand and looking at his brother walking toward his car.

A weekend update!

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