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They sang about 5 songs right now. Because we don't wanted be that weird. We were finding lyrics on Google. Like it was weird but not that much like be on concert and don't know any lyrics. The lads notice it, now. They all burst out laughing. People look really confuse 'cause anybody of the One Direction didn't do anything. Niall has really cute smile...

„Can anybody stop them. It's kind of awkward.” Alex whispered to me.

„I think that to.” i responded. ... No no no Louis taked the mic and I am sceared what he wants to do.

„You don't know why we are laughing do you?”

„I do.” I mubled to myself.

„And can you explain us?” how the hell can he heard me.

„Ehh, it's long story you know and you have a performace... I don't want to interrupt it. Still anybody is laughing right now so you can continue.” I said really confudent but inside I was so scared and I was shaking. I hate attention.

„We have a time you can explain to rest of the peopel.” he chuckled but like with an evil laugh. It's really embarrassing. I will cry if I will speak to that much peopel. Why he is doing to me.

"OKAY LAD. We don't need an explanation. But we can say who they are. It's called decency.” oh my... Liam is saver. I love him literally in the moment. I am not happy that they will introduce us but better than saying, we were searching lyrics.

„So girls do you mind to join us, now?” Louis said.

„Ehh y...”

„No we don't.” Alex interrupted me. And we are going on the stage. How can I go to stage. Me the slut on stage?

„Um Hi” Alex waved on peopel and kicked me.

„Ahoj oh I mean Salut... No Hallo. That's not right again... I mean Hello.” all the languages mixed me up. Why?

„So that was Hello in different languages.” .... „This is Amy and this is Alex.” Liam and Louis introduced us. Rest of the lads join us. I waved on some fans and Alex waved to.

„Excuse them they are little shy.” Harry said. Oh holy crap not right now....no no no no no no no no it must came right now really. Why I have this shitty thing. The silhouette or figure or what it is showed up again. I am trying to  ignore  it and listen what the guys are saying bu I can't it's speaking too loud and it's bigger than all of them before.

„Hey Amy are you okay?” that's all what I can hear right now. Why is it here when I am on stage... Everyone can see me and my tears on face.

„Guys, it's her.... ilness she probably see something somewhere and hear it maybe feel it... ”

„What?!” they asked. She's right I see, hear and feel it. Why why why why meeee.

You'll die soon” it's saying. Why?

„Hey Amy come here” Alex said. I am frozen... Oh I moved back. Still keep eye on that monster or what the hell it is. She hugged me but It's not helping.

„Amy do you need a help?” Niall asked.

„Come here and hug her” he didn't hesitate even a second.

When he hugged me and everyone on the concert started screaming. The boys take a little break and said to peopel that they will be back in 10 mins. Niall is carrying me downstairs. I am crying to his chest. He is so kind and warm.

Somehow I felt asleep. I feel terrible and cofused. I taked the pills but it's not working...why?

Teachers decided to call my dad because of what's happening to me. He is going here. And taking me home. I need to go home because it's not normal. So I packed my things and I am waiting now. I said Alex to stay here but she said she doesn't want to be here without me so she's going home with me.

„Hello sweetheart. You're going home.“

„Hi dad I know.” I and Alex sat to the car and dad's taking us to my home in Zlin right now. Alex will sleep in my house for a while. She doesn't want to be in our apartment alone so she will be with me. Boys give us their number and before we left I was explaining what happened, apologizing and then they needed to go back on stage. Last thing what they said was:

„Write us when you'll be home”

Maybe you hate me now but it's good for this story. Now Amy and Alex are officially friends with One direction. I know they know them just like 2 days but I don't know I just like it. Next chappie in a Wednesday.<33 I love you. Byee

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