Chapter 7

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Friday morning was raining hard, droplets thudded against my windshield like bullets as I made my way to school. Before I had left, I made sure to call the hair salon where mom worked to make a promise that she will be in first thing on Monday morning. This should give her enough time to get over spotting dad out with another woman. I had texted my dad as well to enquire more about his whereabouts. Truth be told, mom's reaction had kept me preoccupied enough that I hadn't taken a second to realize that I myself was just as affected. I was offended that he was in town just miles away and hadn't bothered to check on his only daughter. I tried not to constantly gaze at my phone for a text back but I could not help the stolen glances.
At school, I had managed to successfully avoid anybody that I knew for the first couple of classes. Holden had texted me every half an hour or so, and so did Kyla. On the way to Art class, I knew that I could avoid them no more. I kept my mind occupied by thinking of what I would say to Caleb. Part of me wanted to thank him because if he hadn't rescued me yesterday after school, I might just be out of a job. A majority of me wanted to scold him for always being around for minutes and darting off before we'd get a chance to even discuss the project. There was pressure on my end to maintain good grades if there was any hope of me getting a scholarship.

If he even shows up today, I thought, ensuing a ripple of reprehensible disappointment that it might actually be true.

Standing next to the door that bid entrance to Mrs. Winston's colorful classroom was Holden and Kyla, chatting amongst themselves in a hushed sort-of tone.
At my arrival, they both jumped.

"What's up with you guys?" I was not in a mood to not get straight to the point today.

"Oh my gosh, Izzy you scared me!" Kyla was apparently startled into a fit of giggles," I was just yelling at Holden for making me do most of the work."

"School started like three days ago," I mumbled, shoving past her inside and towards my seat. She followed hurriedly.

"I know but you know I have to keep my grades up if I want to get into whatever school Matt's getting into."

Her voice had drifted into the background because to my surprise, seated in his desk, books piled neatly on the side with the Art assignment booklet wide open was Caleb. Today, he wore the same shirt as the one from yesterday but in black. The rich shade brought out the different colors in his hair. He looked up to notice my presence and looked back down at his homework making absolutely no indication that he cared the slightest.

Does he even recognize me, I thought sarcastically.
I slumped down into my seat and suddenly realized that Kyla was still talking. Holden had just walked in with Matt, he stole a glance towards an unbothered Caleb and made an expression of annoyance.

"I know boys will be boys but I can't handle the responsibility all alone, this project is so intensive and it's worth so much-"

"Kyla stop," I responded as the sound of her complaining had bestowed me with a mild headache. At the fear that it might progress, I mumbled," I give you permission to tell Mrs. Winston, if Holden isn't keeping up with his side of the work, okay?"

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