No.11 Gravestone Decor

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"You lied to me." You spoke in an appalled tone. Graves turned to you, gun in hand with a confused expression that almost masked his deception.

"What are you talking about? The job is done, Lightweight. You did what you were told to, now it's just another mission completed." He tried reassuring, but you turned your attention to look at Soap and Ghost.

They seemed equally as confused, only their expressions were genuine.

They were who you could trust.

"Sir this wasn't the plan, you told me that—"

"Plans change, Lieutenant. We had our orders, we did as we were supposed to and that's it. End. Of. Story." He cut you off with a sharp tongue that he'd never directed at you before.

The glare Graves was giving you was the same one he used towards hostiles; used towards outsiders.

"This isn't our base to take, Graves. It belongs to Los Vaqueros, this isn't something that we can just freely steal from the people who earned it and worked hard for it." You tried reasoning, but your words fell short when you met his cold gaze.

"Who the fuck are you to give me orders, L/n? The moment you have a company of your own and you want to ensure they live to see another day? That's the moment you get to call the shots." He seethed while tightening his grip on his weapon.

"You knew I wouldn't have agreed to this. So you lied to me!" You yelled as you stepped forward slightly in anger. The other two Shadow Company members lifted their rifles at you, prompting you to glare at them.

"Welcome to the fucking Shadow Company, Lieutenant. This isn't fucking elementary school, where everyone tells the truth all the time. You were put on this team to follow my orders, that is your SOLE purpose while you're here!" Graves yelled back at you.

"This might just be a fucking job to you, okay?! But I don't go around killing innocent civilians just because some fucking asshole in bulletproof gear tells me to!" You borderline screamed as you were tempted to grab the knife from your sheathe.

The rain became almost unbearable as your loose hair began sticking to your face. You wanted to shoot him, stab him, punch him, kick him, anything.

You could only settle for yelling though, since guns were pinpointing your vital points by the men you used to see as brothers.

"You manipulated me. You USED ME TO DO YOUR DIRTY WORK!" You yelled as rainwater began blurring your vision. Graves approached you and punched you square in the jaw, first a sting, then an ache.

You lost your balance and fell to the ground, prompting Soap to call your name as he was prevented from moving forward by a Shadow soldier. Rain hit the back of your head, seeping through your tied back hair as you tried to get up.

"It makes NO difference to me whether you're happy or not with my orders! You will fucking listen to every word I say because it's what you signed up for." Graves spoke while looking down at you condescendingly.

You tried getting up, your gloves being soaked in the puddle you were pushing up from. You felt so defeated and tired, it was suffocating as your lungs began to ache with pain.

"With or without your help, those men would have died. At least you had the decency to do as you were told like the lapdog you were trained to be." Graves continued, your two Shadow Company comrades approaching your sides and picking you up.

"I have innocent blood on my hands, Graves! Some little girl lost her dad because of me! And because I trusted you were telling me to do the right thing, now there's the blood of my men on my hands, too!" You yelled as you tried breaking free from the hold your comrades had on you.

Dead Man's Deed (Ghost x reader x Soap)Where stories live. Discover now