No.14 Delusional State

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"Jesus fuck—" You groaned out as you blinked your eyes and let out a strained grunt. Your head was killing you as your heartbeat pulsated in your ears. You sat up fully, taking in the sight of the safe house now that the lights were fully turned on.

The whole atmosphere had an earthy scent to it, somehow very fitting of Alejandro and Los vaqueros. The most bone-chilling thing however, was the silence that filled the emptiness. It made you nervous; it was unnatural for there to be such quietness.

You began looking around for anything that would cause this, your eyes resting on a piece of lightly- crumpled paper on the table beside you. You reached for it and let your eyes adjust while reading the somewhat messy handwriting.

"We'll be back by daybreak with Alejandro in hand. We wanted you to come with us, but you were out cold from the tranquilizer dart that Rudy accidentally got you with. See you soon.

-yer favorite Scotsman"

Turning it over, you saw more writing that was slightly slanted: "sorry for tranquillizing you :(" was what it read, causing you to laugh lightly. You now remembered what happened:

You'd jumped down, spotting a red laser and firing your handgun in an attempt to shoot whoever was aiming it. A loud gunshot was the last thing you heard before being knocked out.

Looking around, you noticed that you were laying on a couch that was pushed into the corner of the safe house. To your left was the table that was covered in maps, writing, and various-colored thumbtacks. You glossed over it all, reading and deciphering their infil plan.

It all seemed solid, so you walked back to the couch and laid down once more. Whatever was in that tranquilizer had you feeling like you were hungover. The thoughts running through your mind began colliding as you recalled Soap's earlier words.

"It's okay to be tired." You repeated out loud to yourself.

And it's an interesting statement because you almost never hear anyone say it. Usually, you're expected to be better and never have any flaws by the people you try your hardest to impress. John didn't see you that way.

You knew he cared about you in ways you might not ever be able to understand. His eyes, his words, his hands, they held you figuratively and literally in high regard.

Though you weren't sure why you were fixating on something Soap said, you couldn't help but relish in it. He really did make you feel human; made you love being alive. The best part was that he didn't even have to do anything that wasn't him for you to adore John.

You checked your watch, the hour still incomplete as you read that it was 4:48 A.M. on your wrist. Dawn would come soon, and you prayed that they would in fact be back before the sun came over the horizon.

Now feeling more at ease, you realized just how tired you really were. A head injury from just a few hours prior, a barely-reopened calf wound, and the last of the adrenaline supplement having been faded a few hours ago? You were a complete mess and you knew it.

Your eyelids began feeling heavy, like you were bench-pressing a hundred pounds to keep them open.

'It's fine, I'm sure Soap will wake me when they're back...' you mentally confirmed before letting your eyes close and your consciousness fade.

You were in a house. An unfamiliar, blue-walled, quite spacious house.

Picture frames of intricate art graced the walls while the furniture was a perfectly accented color to the carpet on the floor. As unfamiliar as you knew this was, it also seemed like a place you'd visited a thousand times.

Dead Man's Deed (Ghost x reader x Soap)Where stories live. Discover now