No.18 True Colors

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The door to your left suddenly opened, Alejandro leading Gaz, Price, and Ghost through the corridor and ordering Los Vaqueros to round up and pay attention.

Soap gently guided your lower back to follow behind them. You were still a bit bitter about that whole scene they'd pulled on you earlier, but you didn't care enough for it to jeopardize your new mission.

Approaching a square table, you stood at the corner between Alejandro and Soap as Price began briefing his newfound temporary squad.

"Alright, listen— we are taking back your HQ. We are getting our prisoner." The captain started off, and you crossed your arms over your chest in preparation to take in every word that left his lips.

"We are killing Commander Graves."

That sentence no longer bothered you. You were fully aware of just how much Graves needed to pay for what he's done. You were going to be a part of the reason he would die, and you no longer cared.

"When?" Rodolfo asked, causing you to turn to him. His thumbs were latched onto the straps of his vest, his grey fleece jacket folding around his elbow joints as he looked to Price with an enthusiastic expression.

"Now." Both you and Ghost replied, causing you to look up at the Lieutenant in temporary confusion. You quickly averted your eyes back to Price, expecting him to continue.

"This is a fight against our own... We are not 141 and Los Vaqueros on this, we're a team." Upon that last word leaving Price's mouth, Ghost pulled a bag from underneath the table and dumped the contents out for all to see.

"Ghost Team."

You looked to see multiple skull masks littering the surface, some folded and some flat. Looking up at Ghost, he was reaching for his mask which caused you to quickly avert your eyes back down to the table.

You weren't ready to see his face, and something in you said that Simon wasn't actually ready to be seen. Maybe he wanted to show a new level of trust, but you didn't think it was the best time for you to see his true face yet.

There was silence, your heart beating rapidly as you could see in your peripherals that Soap and Gaz were staring at Ghost.

"Good to see you again, Simon." Price began in a borderline whisper, and Ghost merely watched you as you averted your eyes from him. It made him... upset? He didn't understand why you were refusing to look at him.

"If you're in, take a mask. If you're not... don't."

More silence as Ghost watched you take a balaclava and hold it between your teeth. Your arms moved above your head, the muscles flexing softly as you fixed your hair to be close to your head.

You still kept your eyes glued to the table as Ghost began pulling a balaclava of his own over his head. He didn't know why you were refusing to look at him.

Maybe it was the fact that you were scared to see what he looked like? No, that couldn't be it. Simon watched you, your fingers adeptly tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear and running your finger along your cheek.

Lately, he'd been craving you more than ever.

He hated it.

He never craved anybody, not even celebrities or porn stars. But you... he wanted you. It was so uncharacteristically different of him, he had to ask himself if he'd eaten anything weird lately. He checked himself for a temperature, only for everything to come up clear.

'Fuckin' Christ... what the hell is going on with me?' He'd asked himself a multitude of times, each time coming up empty-handed in terms of results. What was so special about you? Why were you like a spark searing through his veins?

Dead Man's Deed (Ghost x reader x Soap)Where stories live. Discover now