No.7 Alive Again

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You remained in the infirmary for a few more days after being told all about the mission to get back Laswell. It'd been an eventful few days for you, between going through physical therapy and being visited by the members of your temporary squad.

Soap was definitely the most frequent visitor, followed by Graves and Alejandro. Unsurprisingly, Ghost visited you by far the least. You didn't blame him though, he might've figured that things would get awkward quickly if he didn't take some time for himself.

You wanted to join the boys on their next mission; you wanted to prove that you were far better than what they'd seen that day on the field. As much as you expressed your desire to prove yourself, it was quickly shut down by Graves.

"Lightweight, I already risked your life enough on the mission to capture Hassan. For now, your next orders are to rest and recover properly." He'd commanded, and you could only cross your arms and look in a different direction.

At the time you were resentful of his orders, but in this moment, you were thankful. You'd grown to develop a fever from your body trying to fight off the infection from the extensive cut. Your sweat felt cold against your feverish face, and you shivered.

Your thoughts were immediately broken by a familiar Scotsman entering your room. He was in full gear, his vest still dawning the same blemishes he'd acquired over the months of being in the service.

"You feelin' any better yet?" He asked, and you merely shook your head as your breaths grew heavier. You reached your right hand out to him, watching as he took it and held it in both of his.

"We'll be gone for a while, but we'll all come back alive. We plan on confronting El Sin Nombre, and asking him where Hassan and the missiles are being held." Soap reported while still holding onto your hand with a grip that showed that he was a bit reluctant to leave you alone.

"El Sin Nombre? Y-You guys must be c-crazy..." You shivered out while laughing dryly to yourself. He gave a small laugh as well while running his thumb over your knuckles and your cold fingertips.

"Fuckin' hell, Y/n. Your hands are like ice, how haven't those fever reducers kicked in yet?" He asked rhetorically as he tried his best to emanate some heat from his palms into your skin. You appreciated the sentiment and turned your body so that you'd be fully facing Soap.

With your left hand, you carefully brought it up to his cheek where his stubble laid on his skin.

"You take care of Ghost, Alejandro, and Graves for me... okay? Above all, make sure you come back alive, John." You whispered as he quirked a brow at your theatrics.

"Come on, lass. You're not dying, we'll be back before you know it!" He tried being optimistic, but you'd already been programmed to be prepared for the worst. If you had to, you'd be prepared if none of these men came back and it was up to you to lead the Shadow Company.

You merely gave him a small smile, and he carefully took your left palm in his and held your hands together. Holding you with both of his hands, he pressed the smallest kiss to your knuckles as a gesture of departure.

Soap stood up and covered you further with the blanket, lightly brushing his gloved-fingers against your cheek.

"Catch ye later." He spoke with a cheeky grin, and you only nodded. Graves also walked into the room, nodding to Soap as they walked past one another. Your superior sat beside you on the bed, pursing his lips in thought.

"I usually don't say this to my men, but I just wanted to say sorry, Lightweight." He began, causing your brows to raise.

"I'm sorry that I sent you by yourself as backup for these boys, when I should've sent more. Now you're injured because of a mistake that happened on my behalf. Will you forgive me?" He asked and you gave as best of a smile you could muster.

Dead Man's Deed (Ghost x reader x Soap)Where stories live. Discover now