No.5 Blackmail Material

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A sudden knock on your door shook you awake, and you sat up in bed as a familiar figure let himself in. You rubbed your eyes as Ghost closed and locked the door behind him, causing you to furrow your brows.

"Ghost..? What's wrong?" You asked with a tired tone. Your yawns erupted as Ghost walked to your bedside and glared down at you, trying to find any part of you to interrogate.

He didn't want to admit that he'd been snooping in your personal file, so he pulled up something from nowhere.

"Shepherd never called you by your name. Neither did anyone else during the computer call, you're hiding something from him." Ghost concluded, and your eyes widened momentarily before you covered it with confusion.

"What... are you talking about?" You sounded convincing, even enough for him to believe you if you told him you had no idea. But he knew the truth; he knew there was something that everyone knew except him and Shepherd.

"Don't play dumb with me. Your dog tags say Elizabeth North, don't think I didn't notice." He began building a case for himself as you pursed your lips together in stubbornness.

"They're not mine." You lied, and Ghost could see it. Your jaw flexed when you weren't telling the truth, and now he knew it for sure.

He picked you up by your shoulders and slammed you against the wall closest to the bed. Your breath became shaky as his was hot against your skin, caressing your cheeks. Though it was minimal, Ghost's breath was felt on your lips through his balaclava.

"Tell me the goddamn truth, L/n." He ordered you, his eyes intently staring down yours. You hardened your glare before trying to push him away, failing since you were still recovering.

"Get the fuck off of me!" You yelled before digging your fingers into his biceps. Through the fabric, you could feel the defined muscle as you hid your face from view.

Your leg was hurting once again which made you feel dizzy as you slumped your body weight against Ghost's. However, he held you upright as you instead moved your hold to his shoulders to keep a distance.

"Why the fuck do you care so much? Can't I just be left alone?" You asked weakly as you looked up directly to his stone cold expression. Seeing your tired expression caused him to soften his gaze as he looked down at your positioning.

You were sandwiched between him and the wall, the firm surface disheveling your hair from you shaking your head. Your grip on his shoulders was weaker now that you also took in a moment to realize what the circumstances were.

"Stop that, don't look at me like that..." You whispered as you tried gently pushing him away once more. He didn't budge though, simply lost in thought as he kept looking you over.

There was dried blood on your tank top, torn slightly as it revealed your sports bra underneath. Your deep breaths caused you to slow your heartbeat as you felt your pulse in your fingertips.

Your skin was no longer concealed with face paint, allowing him to get a clear view of your bare skin. It was like time was frozen for just a split moment before he blinked multiple times and turned away.

Ghost fumbled his movements as he took a step back and released your shoulders from his hold. You slumped against the wall in exhaustion, your good leg working harder than usual since your wounded was still recovering.

"You want the truth? Fine..." you mustered out as you stood up and walked forward weakly. You grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled it closer to you, his eyes widening in surprise as you pushed him onto the infirmary bed.

Dead Man's Deed (Ghost x reader x Soap)Where stories live. Discover now