No.26 Motel Night

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With John's help, you carefully stepped out of the car and stood idly as he began pulling his bags from the trunk. You rubbed your face in the hopes of rubbing away the sleepiness, yawning as you now felt a bit more awake.

"Alright, come on, let's go. Price and Gaz already left to start mapping out the city. They'll be back later." Soap whispered as he extended his hand towards you. You gratefully took it and let him lead the way towards the motel. Past other cars, a small pool that looked relatively clean, and up a set of stairs, the both of you finally arrived at the room labeled '213'.

The door was pushed open to reveal Ghost in the middle of pulling his shirt off, and you merely looked away to prevent any feeling of embarrassment. Soap seemed unbothered, and you walked in still holding his hand as Ghost's top half was now fully bare.

You walked past the two and slumped onto one of the beds. You were wearing a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants so that you would blend in with the crowd and be unrecognizable. In terms of comfortability, it was an optimal wardrobe choice.

You turned on your side, looking to the doorway that led to the bathroom. There was a small shower, accompanied by a window that had blinds obscuring the view of the pool. You began fanning your face upon realizing how humid it was in the room, your forehead forming a small layer of perspiration.

You also began repeatedly tugging at your shirt in the hopes of circulating air against your stomach and chest.

"Fuck, it's hot in here. You guys feel that, too?" You asked while sitting up on the bed. Your breath was caught in your throat however when you saw Simon. Not even his mask or anything, but just his leaned back topless body against one of the chairs beside the bed.

His head was thrown back, arm slouched over the back of the chair as his mouth was letting out multiple deep pants. The sweat dripping down the side of his face was causing the black paint to smear and trickle down his nose and chin.

"S'why I took off that bloody jacket. Too damn hot for anything heavy." He replied instantly, though your face was too busy turning a light pink. A thought popped into your mind as you looked to the opposite side of the room to see Soap wiping his face with a towel.

You kicked off your black boots and began pulling your shirt over your head. The two men turned to you in confusion before you pulled off pants to reveal your boxer briefs.

"The hell are you doin', Y/n?" John asked while trying to avoid looking at your curvature. Now bare aside from your undergarments, you opened the door to your room and waltzed out.

Ignoring their protests, you quickly walked down the stairs and took your hair out of the ponytail it'd previously been in. You just let the hair tie wrap comfortably around your wrist.

Before they could say anything else, you dove into the pool and allowed your body to fully submerge into the cool water. As you let your hands brush against the bottom, you felt your ears pop and your lungs grow tight. It was that nice sensation you could only describe as tight.

Swimming back up to the surface, you gave a gasp for air while slicking your hair back and wiping your face. After blinking your eyes a few times, you saw both Simon and John folding their arms beside the edge of the pool.

You could only smile up at them as you laid your arms on the concrete side and looked up with a delicate gaze you knew they couldn't resist. John gave a short laugh before kneeling down and reaching his hand for you to take.

"Come on, lass. You've had your fun, let's get back inside." He spoke. Instead of using it to get out of the pool, you merely began massaging his fingers with your damp ones, letting the water trickle down his veins before falling back into the pool.

Dead Man's Deed (Ghost x reader x Soap)Where stories live. Discover now