Chapter 1-2

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Chapter 1: Crossing Early Warning

[The crossing system binds the host. Please prepare the crossing materials within five days.]

[The countdown begins!]

In her sleep, a mechanical voice sounded in Song Zhizhi's mind.

"Time travel? What the hell? It seems that I have been reading too many novels recently."

She turned over and continued to sleep.

At noon, Song Zhizhi woke up from the alarm clock.

Song Zhizhi, 22 years old, has just graduated from college and lives in H City. She has a company in her family and runs well. Although she is not a family, she also has a lot of assets.

Song Zhizhi lay in bed for a while before she walked into the bathroom and began to wash up.

"What is this?"

Song Zhizhi looked at the little red mole on her wrist in surprise.

Where did this come from?

With a gentle press, Song Zhizhi was in a trance and appeared in a strange place.

As far as you can see, there is a villa similar to the villa she lives in now.

There is a clear spring outside the villa, surrounded by wasteland.

Song Zhizhi remembered the sound she heard last night.

Can you really travel through time?

Is this the necessary plug-in for crossing, space?

Is the ordinary spring in front of you the rumored spiritual spring?

Song Zhizhi tried to meditate in her heart: Go out.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she was back in her bathroom.

She tried to get some spiritual spring water and began to wash up. After washing, she found that her skin was more shiny.

Thinking of the countdown, it seems that she has to hurry up.

When she came out of the room, she found that the house was quiet. Her dad and brother went to the company, and her mother hadn't come back from her trip yet.

"Well, I don't know whether I'll travel through myself or the whole family together. It seems that I need to prepare more materials."

No matter where you travel, clothing, food, housing and transportation must be the first problem to solve.

So she began to make a list. First of all, what she'll eat: rice and flour are basic, and there is room to store. The more, the better, and each one is tens of thousands of catties.

Thinking of her cooking skills, fast food and semi-finished products are necessary. Therefore, hanging noodles, instant noodles, steamed buns, dumplings, sweet dumplings, bread, self-heating small hot pot were added... Seasonings are also necessary, and oil is also the top priority, which requires a lot of preparation.

Fruit is also essential to supplement vitamins. So I wrote apples, pears, grapes, strawberries on the list...

She thought of the wasteland in space where she can grow food, vegetables and fruits. It seems that she has to buy some seeds.

She doesn't know if she can put living things in space so more meat needs to be prepared.

She needs to prepare clothes, shoes, underwear and underwear, not too much. It's better to buy cloth to alter it to the specific era. Cotton and so on should also be hoarded.

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