Chapter 221-225

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Chapter 221: Picking Fish Thorns

In Qin Nanshan in the kitchen, he peeled the apple and handed it to his daughter-in-law.

Song Zhizhi quickly waved her hand, "I don't want to eat it."

Then, he pushed his hand holding the apple away.

Seeing that Song Zhizhi really didn't want to eat it, Qin Nanshan gave up.

There is no reluctance.

I took a bite with the apple. Well, it's very sweet.

It's worthy of space.

Song Zhizhi sat next to Qin Nanshan and whispered to him, "How many silkworm seeds did you buy?"

Qin Nanshan also learned from Song Zhizhi and answered her in a qine: "Twelve photos."

Song Zhizhi: "..."

"Just talk. Don't get so close."

Looking at Song Zhizhi's red earlobes, Qin Nanshan laughed loudly, and it was fun to tease his daughter-in-law.

Song Zhizhi: "Don't laugh!"

"Okay, okay, no laugh."

With that, he pecked Song Zhizhi's earlobes again.

Song Zhizhi gave him an angry look.

"Twelve pictures, how many silkworms do you have to hatch? Are you busy?"

"It's okay. I'm too busy. I'll put one on my father's and mother's side, one on our side, and the other ten sheets will be put in the space."

He bought twelve silkworm seeds, but on the surface, he said two, and the ten more were bought by him when the village head and Qin's father were not paying attention.

There are many families in the village. They didn't want to raise them last year, but this year they changed their minds, but they didn't plant mulberry trees in advance. If they want to raise silkworms, they can only go to the mountains to pick mulberry leaves.

The mulberry trees in the mountains have been basically dug up, leaving only the old ones, and the number is small, so four or five families have to spend money to buy a silkworm seed. If they can make money this year, there will be more people raising silkworms next year.

"The mulberry trees in the space grow fast, and no matter how many mulberry leaves there are, it is enough."


After eating the apple, Qin Nanshan washed his hands and said, "I'll go there to carry the grain."


Dabao took Qin's father to visit the vegetable garden and returned to the front yard.

Qin's father didn't see Qin Nanshan and thought that he should have gone next door.

Seeing Dabao enter the kitchen, he went to find his mother.

Qin's father went back to the next door to help carry the grain.

After moving the grain, Qin Nanshan went to the backyard to water the vegetable field. After watering, he began to chop firewood.

When I get busy, I don't have a rest.

Song Zhizhi didn't bother him. He sewed clothes in the room. It was time to prepare some seasonal clothes for Dabao.

While cooking dinner, Song Zhizhi thought that Qin Nanshan should not have eaten well during this period. So I stewed radish sparerib soup, steamed fish, braised pork, shredded potatoes with green peppers, and scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

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