Chapter 141-145

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Chapter 141: Compensation

The village head meditated for a moment, "Two mulberry trees have been cut down, so let them pay for two." As for this fish, it will be compensated according to the market price. What do you think?

Qin Nanshan shook his head: "No, this will not play a disciplinary role. What if the villagers learn something in the future? Besides, do they have money to compensate?"

The poverty of the Bai family is well known to everyone in the Qin family.

Someone echoed and said, "Nanshan said yes. This nature is too bad and must be severely punished."

Their own family dug fish ponds this year and are also going to plant mulberry trees to raise silkworms. What if someone comes to make trouble?

You must kill chickens to set an example!

"Yes! Yes! It must be severely punished.

Someone followed and watched the excitement, "Big guys, take good care. If this kind of thing happens in the future, it will definitely be done by the White family."

Listening to the villagers, the Bai family cooled their hearts. It really couldn't steal chickens and eroded rice.

Seeing that everyone was demanding severe punishment, the village head said, "Since the Bai family can't pay, how about letting them compensate for the saplings?"

Qin Nanshan nodded, "Naturally."

When the village head saw Qin Nanshan agreeing, he was relieved and said with a hammer, "Then it's a total of 20!"

White mother shouted, "Why is this little thing worth twenty trees!"

The village head stared at her and said, "Shut up! Or will you break your son's hand?"

Bai's father knew that he could only do this, otherwise he would not be able to escape today. "If you pay, you can pay for it. Can you let go of us now?"

The village head motioned that the men reluctantly let go of people. They also wanted to take the opportunity to clean up the white family.

Qin Nanshan's voice was cold, "Give you two days. If I can't do it, I can only go to Baijia to collect interest."

As for what the interest is, no one dares to ask the Bai family. They helped their son and the family of three left in frustration.

Everything was solved, and everyone dispersed.

However, after this incident, the villagers who raised fish spontaneously organized patrols and patrolled at night.

The temperature was a little low at night, and Qin Nanshan came home with cold. Before entering the room, he lay down in the quilt immediately. First, he took off his blouse and stood in the room for a while. He was not so cold, so he lifted the quilt and lay down.

"Are you back?" Song Zhizhi rubbed Qin Nanshan.

Qin Nanshan quickly hugged someone in his arms. "It's all settled. Let's sleep at ease."

The two hugged each other and slept.

At breakfast the next day, Song Zhizhi knew about the night before.

"Is there something wrong with the brain of this white family? Why do I have to provoke our family?"

Qin Nanshan smiled and said, "Yes, everyone in their family is sick."

"But twenty saplings are not easy to find. They suffer."

From today on, many people have gone up the mountain to dig saplings. It is really not easy for the White family to dig enough 20.

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