Chapter 136-140

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Chapter 136: Planting Saplings

Xiaobai is now an adult, and the mountain is the place where he should live. After breakfast, Song Zhizhi sent it out of the house.

He waved his hand, "Goodbye, Xiaobai!"


I will come back!

Xiaobai finally glanced at them and turned around and ran into the mountains.

Packing up some Dabao's daily necessities, loading a small can of milk powder, and then went to Lao Qin's house.

"Mom, I want to plant saplings with Nanshan. Dabao still bothers you today."

Qin's mother held Dabao and was very happy, "Go ahead."

Qin's father didn't go to catch the cattle cart today. The father and son will work together, and the speed will be faster.

Qin Qingmu also carried a bucket to help, and the saplings needed to be watered.

When he went to the field, Song Zhizhi found five more fish ponds.

"The village head's house also dug one." Qin Qingmu said.

The fish pond of the old Qin family can make money, which is obvious to all the villagers, but not every family can afford to dig fish ponds. These five families are all from the Qin family, and the family is relatively good.

The village head saw the Qin family carrying the saplings by his fish pond and asked curiously, "Lao Qin, what are you doing?"

"We are going to plant some mulberry trees by the fish pond."

"I don't eat this mulberry fish. How did you plant it?"

Qin's father looked at his daughter-in-law in embarrassment. This idea of making money came up with his daughter-in-law. What he said was a little disrespectful.

Song Zhizhi received Qin's father's eyes and knew that Qin's father was worrying about himself. So he said, "Village head, we plant mulberry trees to raise silkworms."

Anyway, everyone will know next year that there is no need to hide it. Besides, Lao Qin's family eats meat, but others can't even drink broth. Over time, it is prone to problems.

There is a good saying that everyone is really good! The most stable relationship is the relationship of interest.

"Nouring silkworms, I heard about this. I didn't expect that silkworms eat this mulberry leaf."

After saying that, she looked at Song Zhizhi with appreciation and admired Song Zhizhi and the village head. From her courage to buy a house and settle down in Qinjia Village alone, it can be seen that this is an ideaful girl.

Song Zhizhi smiled and said, "No, I went to the mountains yesterday to find saplings. If you plant them this year, you can raise silkworms next year."

The village head meditated for a moment, "Nanshan daughter-in-law, if the villagers also want to raise silkworms, do you agree?" This is someone else's method, and we still need to ask.

"I don't need my consent. If you want to raise it, just raise it. But as I'm ugly, it's the first time for our old Qin family to raise it. I have no experience. If something goes wrong, our family is not responsible."

The village head nodded: "Naturely."

After a few more greetings, the village head left. He was going to discuss the cultivation of silkworms with the villagers.

Qin Qing couldn't understand, "Sister-in-law, why should you tell them how to make money?" Isn't it good for their old Qin family to make a fortune?

"Paper can't wrap the fire, so why do we hide it? Besides, if someone does something because of jealousy, it will be troublesome."

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