Chapter 366-370

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Chapter 366: Preparation

After seeing the snowy mountains and finding enough wood, they didn't delay any longer and went back directly.

Dabao felt a pity. He really wanted to go to the snowy mountain, but it didn't matter. When he grew up and had the ability to protect himself, he could do it again.

Now that I am still a child, I can't cause trouble to my parents.

Qin's father thought it was worth it. He looked at the grassland and the snowy mountains. Unfortunately, his wife was not blessed and missed this great opportunity.

When the sun was setting, they returned to their place of residence to thank the two eldest brothers who led the way.

In addition to the remuneration, Song Zhizhi also asked Qin Nanshan to send a little white face to each of them and taught them how to do it.

The two eldest brothers sent them goat's milk again, which made Song Zhizhi laugh or cry.

The locals are very enthusiastic. Someone sends them goat's milk every day. They can't finish it at all. In accordance with the principle of not wasted, Song Zhizhi can only secretly put the excess goat milk in space.

After running around the outside for a day, after dinner, the whole family returned to their tents early.

They bathed Erbao and Sanbao and put people in the quilt. Qin Nanshan and Song Zhizhi washed quickly before they stopped.

The two children slept in the middle. Qin Nanshan couldn't even hold his daughter-in-law. He thought to himself. When he went back this time, he must sleep with two small rooms.

Children are getting older and older, and it is inconvenient for them to do something.

After the child fell asleep, Qin Nanshan got up lightly, crossed the two children, and lay behind Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi felt like she had fallen into a big stove. She turned over, faced him, and put her long slender legs on Qin Nanshan's lap.

Qin Nanshan's hand poked through his underwear.

Teasing Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi pressed his hand and said, "I'm very tired today. Let's go to bed early."

After riding a horse all day, her legs were very sore.

Qin Nanshan obediently took his hand back from his underwear and began to massage Song Zhizhi's waist and legs. The strength was moderate, which quickly relieved Song Zhizhi's discomfort.

When Song Zhizhi fell asleep in his arms, he stopped.

The two cubs tucked in the quilt and hugged their daughter-in-law, and the whole family fell into a dream.

The next morning, Qin Nanshan and Qin's father began to make wooden boxes for growing vegetables. The old man of the master looked at it and asked them curiously, "What did this box do?"

Qin Nanshan said, "It can be used to grow vegetables."

The old man listened to it and doubtfully, "Our caravan has brought back vegetable seeds before, but it has not succeeded."

Song Zhizhi said, "This is also the first time we have tried it. If this method works, you can also try it in the future."

After hearing this, the old man nodded, "This method may really work. You can carry the wooden box into the tent when it's cold, so that you won't be frozen."

They used to grow vegetables directly on the grassland, but later they were all frozen to death.

After several attempts, the big guy gave up.

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