Chapter 236-240

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Chapter 236: Apple Vinegar

When Qin Nanshan and Song Zhizhi returned home, Qin's mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"I guess you should get home at this time and steam the rice first."

Qin's mother knew the nature of her son and daughter-in-law. They didn't say hello in advance before going to the Ji family, so they would not stay at the Ji family for dinner.

Song Zhizhi went into the kitchen and took a look. The dishes were not ready, so they said, "Mom, I'll stir-fry the dishes."

Qin's mother is reluctant to add oil and seasoning when cooking. It doesn't taste good. The family prefers to eat Song Zhizhi's cooking.

Qin's mother also knew that her craftsmanship was not as good as her daughter-in-law, so she said, "What kind of dish should I do? I'll wash and cut it for you. Just put it in the pan and stir-fry it."

"Just stir-fry shredded pork with green peppers, stir-fry bacon with garlic sprouts, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, stir-fry cucumbers, and make a green vegetable soup."

"Okay, I'll go to the backyard to pick vegetables first."

Song Zhizhi nodded. She was going back to the house to change her clothes. Today, she wore a skirt when she went out, which was inconvenient to work.

When she changed her clothes, Qin's mother had prepared the dishes. Song Zhizhi rolled up her sleeves and came to cook. Qin's mother sat in front of the stove to help burn the fire.

"You went to see Qing Mu today. What's wrong with her?"

Song Zhizhi: "She is pregnant."

As soon as Qin's mother heard this, her voice improved a little, "What? Are you pregnant?"

Song Zhizhi said while stir-frying, "Today, I asked the doctor to cross the pulse. I'm really pregnant."

Qin's mother calmed down and said, "She has also been married for several months, and it's normal to be pregnant."

Many people are like this. Soon after they got married, there was news that they had a body.

There are a few people who haven't been pregnant for a year or two.

However, there is another situation, that is, like my son and daughter-in-law, I don't want to have children too early. However, there are very few such cases, which can be said to be very few.

For everyone, children are a big deal.

Song Zhizhi asked Qin's mother, "Mom, do you want to go to town to see Qing Mu?"

"No." Qin's mother shook her head and said, "I'll see her when their Ji family comes to report the letter later."

Some people believe that the fetus can't talk out before it turns three months. It's not too late to wait for the Ji family to report the good news before going to Qingmu.

Song Zhizhi didn't say anything more when she heard this.

After dinner, Qin's mother was about to go back. Before leaving, she said to Song Zhizhi, "I'll go to the village to buy some chicken cubs tomorrow. I can send Qingmu more eggs when she is in confinement."

Song Zhizhi: "..."

There are still several months left, and there are many eggs in their space.

However, she still nodded, "It's okay to raise a few more. Send two chickens there and let them stew soup for Qingmu."

Qin's mother agreed, "If you raise your own family, you don't have to spend that money at that time."

Song Zhizhi nodded. If you want to raise it, you can take care of it. Qin's mother will take care of it by herself.

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