Chapter 151-155

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Chapter 151: Take away the little wolf cub

Song Zhizhi and Qin Nanshan thought Xiaobai had run away, but they didn't expect that Xiaobai came back with his wife again that night.

This time, it did not howl in a low voice outside the door, jumped directly and entered the yard.

Xiaobai is already a mature big white wolf. He knows that he can't appear in the village during the day. Every time he comes, he comes at nights at night.

Qin Nanshan and Song Zhizhi heard the news and left the room.


He spit out what he had in his mouth, and then squatted on the ground and looked at the two people, with expectation in his eyes, as if to praise me.

Song Zhizhi stared at it and saw that it was actually two ginseng! The years are hundreds of years.

Good boy, this is looking for a ginseng expert!

"Is this for us?"

Xiaobai nodded his head.

Song Zhizhi touched Xiaobai's head and said, "Thank you, Brother Bai!"

Xiaobai raised his chin arrogantly.


Xiaobai: It's just a gadget. You're welcome.

Qin Nanshan went to the backyard to catch two chickens and two ducks. There are hundreds of chickens and ducks in Song Zhizhi's space. Usually, a few are placed in the backyard, which is for others to show.

Xiaobai gave him a heavy gift to his family, and it is also right to give him something to eat. After all, it's still necessary to exchange gifts.

Put the chickens and ducks in front of them, "Eat it."


Xiaobai: I want to eat roasted meat every day in the mountains. I'm tired of eating it.

Seeing that Qin Nanshan did not move, he "wow" again.

Qin Nanshan frowned, "What does it mean?"

Song Zhizhi spread out her hand, "How do I know?"

Looking at the unenlightened couple in front of him, Xiaobai turned straight in a hurry.

Suddenly, his eyes turned, picked up a chicken and went to the kitchen and put it next to the stove.

"Is it going to be cooked?"

Song Zhizhi smiled and said, "It seems so."

Qin Nanshan had no choice but to go to the backyard to clean up the chickens and ducks first, then made a fire in the yard and began to roast.

One chicken in the left hand and one duck in the right hand.

It took two rounds to bake all the food and put it in front of Xiaobai and his wife.

Xiaobai was satisfied now. He put the fattest one in front of his wife before he started to eat his own share.

An adult wolf eats a lot. This thing baked by Qin Nanshan is enough for two white wolves to cushion their stomachs. After a while, they will finish it.

Thinking of the purpose of his trip, he quickly got up and went to the hall.

At this time, the little wolf was lying on the cushion, showing its little belly, which was very comfortable.

As soon as Xiaobai came in, he picked it up.


Little Wolf: Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

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