Chapter 191-195

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Chapter 191: Want to Harmonize

Jiang Zhao was sitting by the window enjoying the scenery outside when there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

"Miss, the old lady sent someone to send a message and let you go home."

Jiang Zhao's face sank, and what kind of moth is the family making trouble?

This marquis is becoming more and more suffocating.

Seeing Jiang Zhao's obvious unhappiness, Furong quickly said, "I'm going to kill people."

Jiang Zhao raised his hand and said, "Fin it, let's go back and have a look, so that people in our general's mansion will not be arrogant and rude."


Mercy Church.

In the room.


"Get out!" Zhao Li was hot at this time and supported the table with his hands weakly.

Yun Ruo bit his lip and said, "Cusin, I know you feel bad now. Let me serve you."

Zhao Li gritted his teeth and said, "Are you so cheap?" So short of men?"

Today, my mother sent someone to the front yard to invite herself to the Mercy Hall for dinner. Because of Yunruo, he didn't want to come, but Jiang Zhao didn't want to block the concubine for him. After thinking about it, he decided to talk to his mother in person.

Unexpectedly, this Yunruo took the opportunity to drug himself.

"Cusin, my aunt has promised me to you. Sooner or later, I will be yours." She doesn't want to use this method, but there is nothing she can do. If she doesn't do this, when she enters the door, her cousin will definitely not touch her, and the bitch Jade. She must let her cousin take care of herself before she.

No longer hesitation, she untied her clothes, was covered with a single body, and stepped forward to hug Zhao Li.

Zhao Li was hot, but his heart was cold. Her mother actually united with an outsider to calculate herself.

Yun Ruo posted it, and Zhao Li tried to push her away.

Yun Ruo knew that he had only one chance. If he failed, he would never get close to his cousin again.

But if he succeeded, his cousin had to be responsible for himself, so he took his best to hug Zhao Li to death.

When the two of them lay in bed and their skin were close to each other, Zhao Li had only one idea in his heart.

He completely failed Yaner.

He not only failed to observe his deceased wife, but also betrayed his stepwife.

The movements are getting heavier and heavier, but his heart is infinitely sad.


When Jiang Zhao arrived at the Mercy Hall, he found that the people were peeking at her with pity.

Jiang Zhao looked as usual and entered the main room.

The old lady sat up and said, "Let Joel in three days."

"I don't agree, as long as your son agrees."

The old lady smiled and said, "Of course, he has no problem. I called you to come today just to discuss marriage."

"Lady, taking a concubine is just a matter of a pink sedan chair. You asked me to come here. It shouldn't be just for this."

The old lady snorted coldly. Naturally, it was not for this. Didn't she use the general's mansion to suppress herself yesterday?

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