Chapter 281-285

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Chapter 281: Get rid of the problem of picky food

Hearing Dabao's question, Song Zhizhi remembered her last experience in the capital, so he said, "Why haven't you been there?" Do you remember that your mother told you before not to talk to strangers?

Dabao nodded, "Remember, you can't talk to strangers, eat strangers' things, and you can't put strangers at home..."

With his fingers broken, Dabao began to count them one by one.

"Just remember. When you were a child, you were almost robbed in the capital. There are a lot of traffickers outside, and I like children like you."

Dabao thump ran to get the small wooden sword, "I want to practice my sword well, and no one will rob me in the future. I can still protect my mother."

Song Zhizhi couldn't help laughing, "Well, then you study hard, and your mother will rely on you in the future."

Qin Nanshan thought Dabao's idea was very good, so he said, "Next year Dad will teach you how to punch."

Dabao has been very lively and active since he was a child. Hearing what his father said, he was naturally happy. "I'm going to learn tomorrow."

Song Zhizhi pinched his little arm and calves, "When you grow up, you won't learn. Now grow up and grow up. Sharpen your knife and don't miss the wood cutter."

"Mom, how can I grow fast?"

"If you want to grow fast, you should go to bed early and get up early, be picky, eat more vegetables and fruits, and drink milk every day."

Dabao, like many children, doesn't like to eat vegetables. If Song Zhizhi doesn't pick it up for him specially, he won't eat it.

"Mom, I'll eat vegetables in the future."

You should grow tall and strong quickly, so that you can punch. Dad is very majestic when boxing, and you should be like your father.

Qin Nanshan solved the problem that Dabao didn't like vegetables when he saw his daughter-in-law's three or two words, and he admired her very much. He asked him whether Dabao liked to eat or not, and he starved him several times, so he naturally didn't dare to be picky about food.

It's just that he didn't dare to say that to his daughter-in-law.

This is the first time that Dabao has been away with his parents since he remembers. Naturally, he was extremely looking forward to it. He hurriedly asked Song Zhizhi, "Mom, when shall we leave?"

"In three days."

They are also going to the town to inform Qin Qingmu so that the Ji family can prepare the wedding gift for Qin Yunli in advance and help them bring it when they enter Beijing.

Dabao looked at Xiaobai and scratched his head, "But mother, Xiaobai is so big that the carriage can't be loaded."

Song Zhizhi said, "Xiaobai doesn't go with us. He will stay and look after the house."

In fact, she has planned to collect Xiaobai in the space.

"Xiao Bai is so pathetic that he can't hang out with us."

"Then you can stay with him these days, and you won't see him for a long time."


It will take time to prepare the gift. Song Zhizhi asked Qin Nanshan to go to town in a while.

As for the gift from her and Qin Nanshan, it's too late to wait until the capital to prepare.

They have been to the capital once, and Song Zhizhi knows which towns along the road are generally well. So this time she didn't prepare too much food and planned to take the light car to Jane.

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