Chapter 371-376

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Chapter 371: Going to Qinfu

The house has not been cleaned yet, and no one has been bought. Song Zhizhi and Qin Nanshan decided to clean up the three rooms first and live in them for the time being.

When you are free tomorrow, you will choose a few people. Then clean up the house and divide a few small ones.

Erbao and Sanbao are now more than three years old and are not suitable for sleeping with their parents.

The family worked together, and even Erbao and Sanbao helped clean the tables, chairs and benches. An hour later, the room was cleaned up.

After changing their clothes, Qin Nanshan and Song Zhizhi took Qin's father and three cubs to Qin Mansion.

Qin's mother was very happy to learn of their arrival. Some time ago, she received a letter and knew that the boss's family had taken the old man out to play in the mountains and rivers. Qin's mother was so sad that she also wanted to go. Why didn't she want to ask her? But now because of their arrival, the soreness suddenly disappeared.

As soon as Dabao saw Qin's mother, he ran over and acted coquettishly, "Milk."

Qin's mother misses Dabao very much and said with a smile, "If you grow taller, you will lose weight."

Dabao is a little sweaty. It's been four years. Can't he grow tall?

Song Zhizhi pushed Erbao and Sanbao, "Get your grandma to say hello."

Erbao and Sanbao came forward obediently and shouted "Grandma."

Qin's mother was the first time to see Erbao and Sanbao. Looking at their pink and jade appearance, she liked them very much. She took the hands of the two cubs and looked at them carefully.

"The second treasure is like Nanshan, and the three treasures are like Zhizhi."

When Jiang Zhao learned of their arrival, Jiang Zhao also brought his daughter to Qin's mother's yard.

Qin Yunli got her daughter as she wished and named her Qin Yu, which means white and flawless jade.

Qin Yu hid behind Jiang Zhao and looked at his relatives who suddenly appeared with big eyes open.

Jiang Zhao first said hello to them, and then taught Qin Yu to call someone, "This is uncle, aunt, call someone quickly."

Qin Yu shouted obediently, "Uncle, uncle."

Song Zhizhi took out a piece of jade pendant and gave it to Qin Yu as a gift. She introduced a few small understandings. Erbao and three treasures and Qin Yu were about the same age and soon went to play together.

Qin Yu wanted to take two treasures and three treasures to the garden to play. With a comer, Song Zhizhi was very relieved and let them go.

Dabao was bored to sit here, so he followed him.

Jiang Zhao looked at Song Zhizhi and said, "Sister-in-law, you haven't changed at all these years."

The child has given birth to three children, and his figure is as good as ever. His face is radiant, like a little girl, but he is a little more gentle.

Song Zhizhi smiled and said, "Don't coax me."

My sister-in-law joked a few times and then talked about Dabao's school.

Qin's mother said, "Leave this matter to Yunli. He knows a lot of people, and he will definitely find a good master with both virtue and talent."

Jiang Zhao also nodded, "As just leave this matter to Yunli."

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