Chapter 11-12

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Chapter 11: Boiled Eggs

Qin Qingmu glanced at Bai Siran and Chu Xing again.

He sneered and looked disdainful, "Brother, Sister Zhizhi, since they don't like our ox cart, let's go quickly."

I scolded an unlucky in my heart.

Thinking that this little Bailian would be her second sister-in-law, the myocardial infarction began to be committed again.

Song Zhizhi looked funny and felt sorry for Qin Qingmu's future ending.

He secretly decided to remind Qin Qingmu to stay away from Bai Siran in the future.

The ox cart left slowly.

Bai Siran glanced at Chu Xing and found that he was still looking at the direction of the bull carriage, and he was terried.

What's wrong with these men? Why is it so superficial? That little fox spirit is not a serious girl at first glance. There is nothing to look good.

"Syman, my name is Bai Siran, and I'm also from Qinjia Village. If it's convenient, I can show you a way."

"White girl, Chu Xing."

After hesitation for a moment, looking at Bai Siran's cautious appearance, his heart softened. He stretched out his hand and took Bai Siran into his arms.

By the time Bai Siran reacted, he had sat firmly on the horse's back and was held in Chu Xing's arms.

Bai Siran couldn't help blushing and bly. He smelled Chu Xing's breath, and his breathing was a little messy. This was a feeling that he had never felt when he was with Qin Yunli. After all, she and Qin Yunli are so familiar that she grew up in the village together.

Chu Xing lowered his head and looked at Bai Siran's red earlobes. He was in a good mood, and his hand was also put on Bai Siran's waist.

"Sit on."

Da Da Da, the horse began to run slowly...

There was more than one way to Qinjia Village. Bai Siran deliberately chose the road to avoid Qin Nanshan.

Chu Xing hooked his lips and smiled. The little white rabbit was a little interesting.

"Mom, we're back."

As soon as he entered the yard, Qin Qingmu shouted at Qin's mother.

"When can you change your girl's exhaling character?"

Qin Qingmu put his arms around Qin's mother's arm and said, "Happy today!"

Then he took Qin's mother to see what they bought today.

Qin's mother was stunned when she saw the food in this car.

"Why did you buy so much food? How much does it cost?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw Qin Qingmu's clothes and cloth.

"Ouch! Girl Zhizhi, how can you be so old? It's all said that it's your own home.

Song Zhizhi squeezed her lips and smiled, "Auntie, it doesn't cost much."

She smiled and had a shallow pear vortex on her face. Qin Nanshan looked itchy and wanted to poke it.

I rubbed my fingertips and turned around to move things.

"Auntie, the cloth has been left with you. Put the meat in the kitchen. I'll cook tonight. You can try my craftsmanship."

"Did you have lunch? I left you steamed buns in the kitchen."

After wandering all morning, several people were hungry, so the three went to the kitchen and began to eat steamed buns with pickles.

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