Chapter 3-5

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Chapter 3: Borrowing

"Let go!" Qin Yunli's voice was full of chills.

No woman can touch him except Bai Siran.

Song Zhizhi withdrew her hand incandly.

"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with my life here. Can I borrow and live in your house first and exchange food with you, okay?"

Song Zhizhi still has eyesight to see people, and the other party is not a bad person.

She just found out that there was still a suitcase lying next to her, which really helped her.

She can take things out with the help of the cover of the suitcase.

The two brothers' clothes were patched and their faces were a little waxy. At first glance, they were malnourished and there must be a lack of food.

Hearing that food could be changed, Qin Nanshan and Qin Yunli hesitated. After all, in this year, the most lacking thing was food.

And my parents are not in good health and can't be hungry.

The two looked at each other.

"What do you exchange for it?"

Qin Nanshan squeezed his lips, but he didn't really want to accept her things. After all, it's also pitiful to see her alone. However, the reality can't help him from being poor, and their family needs food.

"I eat everything in this box. I can give you half a box of white flour and rice."

Song Zhizhi looked at Qin Nanshan expectantly.

Looking at her shiny eyes, Qin Nanshan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

I didn't dare to look at Song Zhizhi anymore and quickly calmed down her heartbeat.

He knew that he was an ominous person. His last fiancee was killed by himself. He didn't plan to marry a wife in his life, and his parents agreed. In the future, the continuation of incense will be handed over to the second brother.

Half a box weighs about 30 kilograms. Usually cooked with wild vegetables, it is enough for them to eat for a long time.

"You can go back with us, but you'd better not think about what you shouldn't think about." Qin Yunli said hard.

Huh? What shouldn't you think about? What's worth thinking about when you are so poor?

Song Zhizhi secretly gritted her teeth, decided to settle down and leave immediately. Who are these people?

No matter how much I complain in my heart, I still smiled shallowly.

"You know everything you know. Don't worry."

Qin Yunli glanced at Song Zhizhi faintly and turned around and left first.

"Let me take it for you."

Qin Nanshan took the suitcase and walked forward silently.

Song Zhizhi quickly followed. As soon as she walked out, the soles of her feet hurt.


She was sleeping when she came through it and didn't wear shoes.

Song Zhizhi wants to cry without tears.

Qin Nanshan heard the sighing sound and quickly turned around and saw her white feet stepping on the ground.

Don't look rudely and turn around quickly.

Do you have any shoes in your suitcase? You put it on first."

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