Chapter 21-25

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Chapter 21: Landing

"Mom, it's okay. Take advantage of the time to copy more now and marry in the future, and the days will not be too sad."

Mother Qin: "..."

Yes, it was paid by mistake after all.

Love to copy it!

I don't want to talk more to my bad son.

The Qin family's dinner is still sweet potato porridge. White rice is fine grain. It is used to cook white rice porridge for Qin's father, while others eat coarse grain.

I cooked a green vegetable and beat a cucumber. This is in my own vegetable garden. It's free of charge.

There is another pickled cabbage bump that can be seasoned, otherwise it will be tasteless.

Take out the pumpkin pie and divide it.

"This pumpkin cake was sent by Zhizhi. This girl is also too polite. It's just a piece of vegetables. It's not enough to send this pumpkin cake. It's made of fine grain." Song Zhizhi will come, and Qin's mother likes her more and more.

Since he fell ill, Qin's father's appetite has not improved. He didn't expect to eat a bowl of white porridge and two pumpkin cakes this time.

"It's delicious."

Qin's father looked back and always felt that his spirit was better than before.

I have eaten white porridge these days. Occasionally, the food sent by Song Zhizhi is made of Lingquan water, which is naturally a little useful.

"Zhizhi lives alone and can't get firewood. Boss, you can get her some tomorrow." Qin's mother told her.

Needless to say to Qin's mother, Qin Nanshan thought of it himself. He had planned to get her some wood these days.

Qin Yunli heard this and quickly said, "Mom, I'll do it." It's just right to apologize as a reparation. I did go too far before.

Qin Qingmu rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, second brother, it's even more shameful if you send it back, and Bai Siran asks you to get it back."

"Siran is not such an unreasonable person." Qin Yunli also didn't understand how his sister loved and thought of each other since she was a child.

Qin Qingmu: "..."

This little white lotus looks aggrieved all day long, and she has suffered a lot of her losses since she was a child.

Finally, Qin's mother finally decided: "Let the boss go. If you have nothing to do, copy the book at home. After all, the white bride price costs ten taels of silver, which is not a small amount.

Qin's father has been drinking medicine, and there is no money left at home. Originally, Qin's mother planned to turn her bracelet at the bottom of the box and collect the bride price.

What's going on with suddenly not wanting to care about it now?

Alas! To put it, it's still to blame those long-tongued women in the village and say that the boss is queathing his wife. Originally, the boss is not interested in women, but now he doesn't want to marry a wife. Otherwise, your bracelet can also be passed on to the grand daughter-in-law.

But if you want to buy a cheap Bai family, you are a little unwilling. That's a lazy family.

After dinner, Song Zhizhi saw that it was still early and planned to copy a book first.

Half an hour later, it gradually darkened.

Put away the pen, ink, paper and inkstones, wash it and go to bed.

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