Chapter 231-235

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Chapter 231: Sugar Man

At breakfast the next day, Song Zhizhi talked about going to town to see Qin Qingmu.

Qin's mother heard this and said, "I still have some eggs on my side. At that time, you can take the eggs to see Qingmu. You don't have to buy snacks."

Song Zhizhi hesitated, "Is it rude to bring eggs alone?"

Qin's mother waved her hand and said, "The conditions of this season's family are not as good as that of our old Qin family. How can I have the confidence to dislike our family's things? Besides, the old couple of the Ji family are still reasonable. Don't worry, they won't say anything more.

If you don't say that marriage and marriage should be done by door, if one of them is in poor family conditions, it will definitely be regarded as poor relatives who come to fight against the wind. They will be disliked. Over time, the relationship will not be harmonious.

Their old Qin family gave a promising Qin family. Previously, the villagers laughed at the old Qin family. Obviously, they could marry Qin Qingmu to the rich and noble family in the capital, but they chose a small master in the town and felt that the people of their old Qin family were really stupid.

Qin's mother doesn't want to argue with those people. The capital is good, but her daughter doesn't have that strength. How can she compete with the daughter she has cultivated since she was a child?

Although her second brother can be her backer, once she gets married, she lives in a back house. As soon as the door is closed, how can her second brother protect her from time?

I want her to say that Ji Chen, a son-in-law, is very good.

After restraining her thoughts, Qin's mother said to Song Zhizhi, "I'll send you the eggs later."

Song Zhizhi nodded. She didn't tell Qin's mother that they were going to sell eggs.

After breakfast and something, the family of three went to town.

First, go to the grocery store to sell the eggs and leave a basket on the carriage, which will be given to the Ji family later.

Qin Nanshan asked Song Zhizhi, "Do you want to go shopping first or go to Ji's house first?"

Song Zhizhi thought for a moment, "Go to Ji's house first, or we will be embarrassed when we get to dinner later."

"Why don't you go for a while and go after lunch?"

Song Zhizhi thought about it and thought it was feasible, otherwise they would have to stay with their family for dinner later.

The number of times in Dabaolai Town can be counted with one hand, and I am naturally happy now.

Qin Nanshan found a place to park the carriage and gave two copper coins to the people next to him to help him watch.

Dabao was very interested in Sugar Man, pointing to Sugar Man, "Mom--"

Song Zhizhi knew at a glance that Dabao wanted to eat it. She was still willing to satisfy him for such a trivial matter.

It is said that happy people have been cured by childhood all their lives, and Song Zhizhi hopes to give Dabao a happy childhood.

So let Dabao choose a sugar man by himself, a rabbit.



Dabao stood on the ground, holding the sugar man. He wanted his mother to take the first bite. At this time, he tried his best to tiptoe to send the sugar man to Song Zhizhi's mouth.

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