Chapter 226-230

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Chapter 226: Gossip

When Dabao's mood stabilized, Qin Nanshan took him to wash his hands and face.

Song Zhizhi took two washed strawberries and handed them to him.

"Here, you like it."

"Thank you, Mom--"

With food and being held in his father's arms, Dabao's mood improved in an instant and nested obediently in Qin Nanshan's arms to eat strawberries.

It's just that with the previous one, Dabao became more clingy.

When Dabao finished the strawberry, Qin Nanshan and Song Zhizhi took him out. Along the way, he had to ask Qin Nanshan to hold him.

Qin Nanshan understood that he had just been frightened, so it was up to him.

The family went to Sangyuan.

Along the way, I met a lot of villagers. Looking at their family of three, someone would inevitably start to gossip.

"Look at Qin Nanshan, he was really eaten to death by his daughter-in-law. After so many years, I haven't seen his daughter-in-law work at all."

"Occasionally, it's just for the air."

"Qin Nanshan is also useless. If you marry such a daughter-in-law, the baby has to look like anything. His daughter-in-law will not have a better face and a better figure."

"InDEED, Qin Nanshan had to do everything by himself. I passed by his door before and saw Qin Nanshan drying clothes."

"Look at his son again. He is white, thin-skinned and tender, who is more like a young master than the young master in the town."

"Yes, yes, look at Qin Nanshan holding his son in person. As the old saying goes, whether to hold his grandson or not, this person is really not exquisite."

"Yes, there is indeed no father in the village who can hold children like this. A big man still holds a milk doll when he goes out. This image is really..."

At this time, a passer-by listened and sneered, "You long-tongued women, are you jealous? If you do nothing all day long, you will talk twice! What's wrong with Qin Nanshan's daughter-in-law? What's bothering you?

You big-character, you are embarrassed to dislike Qin Nanshan's daughter-in-law. They have great ability. It's all ideas to make money in the village!

What contribution do you long-tongued women make? If you can't speak, say less. If you don't talk, no one will think you are dumb."

He was caught and ridiculed. These people couldn't save face, so a group of people quickly dispersed.

The gossipers were mixed with several young daughters-in-laws who married their mother-in-law's house. You have to serve not only your parents-in-law, but also have to catch it outside the house. You are as tired as a dog every day.

The men in their family are either disappointing or die-minded and filial. There is no one like Qin Nanshan and doesn't want their daughter-in-law to do anything.

They are indeed jealous of Song Zhizhi. It can be said that most of the young daughters-in-law in Qinjia Village are jealous of Song Zhizhi.

If I had known that Qin Nanshan could not be recked of his wife and loved others, they had already married him. Where did it take Song Zhizhi's turn?

It really made her pick up a big bargain.

When the man saw that the gossip had dispersed, he turned around and left.

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