Chapter 81-85

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Chapter 81: Sending Officers

As soon as he heard that it was a Mao thief, the guard went back to Shangfeng. Someone came to take the Qin family to the government.

"These people seem to be wanted bandits before!" The master glanced at the five men and suddenly remembered the wanted notice issued a year ago.

Lord Governor: "Go and check!"

I cross-examined Qin Nanshan and others, verified their identities, and knew that they had accompanied their brothers to catch the exam, so they let them leave first.

"Nanshan, after the Yunli exam, we have to wait for the result. It will take one month before and after. Why don't we rent a yard directly?"

Song Zhizhi considered that the inn was mixed with mermaids, it would be good if there was a moth in this bone eye.

Qin Nanshan thought that he didn't have to separate beds with his daughter-in-law. If she stays in an inn, his daughter-in-law will definitely not be relieved to let Qingmu live alone.

If you are busy, you will agree.

Qin Yunli thought about it and thought it was better to listen to her eldest brother and sister-in-law. So Ji Chen was invited to live together. Anyway, they just want to live in one room and send Buddha to the west.

Ji Chen originally planned to stay in the cheapest inn, but the hospitality was difficult, and he was really embarrassed, so he agreed.

"Just find someone's teeth to ask." It's a waste of time to find it yourself.

"Uh-huh." So I went to the dental line.

"This gentleman, madam, what can I do for you?"

When people saw that there was business coming to the door, they hurriedly greeted them out.

"We want to rent a yard."

It's not that Song Zhizhi didn't want to buy a yard directly, but Qin Nanshan said that if Qin Yunli was raised this time, then she would go to Beijing to participate in the Spring Festival in February next year, and there was no need to buy this house.

"I have a lot of yards here. I don't know how big you plan to rent."

"There are at least three bedrooms with a kitchen."

As soon as people heard their teeth and knew them, they took them to a yard.

The location here is good, and it is also convenient to go shopping at ordinary times. It's quiet in the middle of the bustle. Song Zhizhi is very satisfied.

I looked at the yard again. The house was fully furnished, with four rooms, plus a kitchen, a small courtyard, and a well in the yard.

Qin Yunli is also very satisfied. It's very close to the examination room from here. Just walk for a quarter of an hour.

"How much is the rent of this yard?"

"If you rent it for a long time, it can be cheaper, but if you only rent it for one month, it will cost five taels of silver."

Autumn is approaching, and the prices of those inns have also risen a lot, and the rent naturally rises with the water.

Five taels of silver is worth the cost of the poor for a year.

However, after seeing the school district houses of future generations, Song Zhizhi accepted it well and felt that there was no problem. And this yard is really good. It can be seen that people often come to clean it up and the house is clean and tidy.

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