Chapter 301-305

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Chapter 301: Qin Fools Go Online Again

When Qin Nanshan came back from the town, Dabao asked him, "Dad, how old are you?"

Qin Nanshan was confused and didn't know why his son suddenly asked this question.

"What are you doing with this?"

Seeing that Dad didn't answer his question head-on, Dabao comforted him kindly, "Dad, are you old? I'm embarrassed to say it. It doesn't matter. I don't dislike you."

My mother doesn't like to be mentioned by her age. Obviously, it's so happy to grow up one year old. He doesn't know why she doesn't like it.

With a staring at his son, Qin Nanshan went into the house to find his daughter-in-law.

Dabao also followed up and asked relucantly, "Mom said you are old, Dad, how old are you?"

If you are young, how can you have bad ears?

The daughter-in-law actually said that she was old. Qin Nanshan glanced at Song Zhizhi unambiguously. There was danger in her eyes, which made Song Zhizhi's scalp numb.

He smiled acantly, immediately put his upper legs, let Qin Nanshan sit on the stool, and pinched his shoulders, "I mean, you are getting more and more mature, praising you for your masculinity."

Qin Nanshan's face did not change, and an imperceptible smile flashed in his eyes. He covered Dabao's ear, approached Song Zhizhi, and whispered, "I'll clean you up at night."

"I just said you were old, but I didn't say you couldn't."

"If you dare to say those two words, you won't get out of bed for three days."

Song Zhizhi's face turned red. The man said anything and stared at Qin Nanshan. Her eyes were infinite, as if she had a hook.

Obviously, they have been together for so many years. In front of Song Zhizhi, Qin Nanshan is still like a hairy boy, and he has no self-control.

One of her eyes made Qin Nanshan impulsive. Fortunately, she was sitting now, otherwise it would be ugly.

He silently looked away and took a deep breath, "Dabao, from today on, you go next door to sleep with your grandfather."

"Why? I want to sleep with my parents!"

Qin Nanshan said kindly, "Now your grandfather is the only one over there. He is lonely. Are you not heartache?"

Dabao nodded, "Heartache."

Then he scratched his head, "But I'll just accompany Grandpa during the day. Let Grandpa have a good rest at night."

Song Zhizhi covered her mouth and laughed secretly. Now this guy is becoming more and more fooling.

Qin Nanshan held Dabao's shoulder and asked him to face him, "Does your parents have to talk with you for a while before you go to bed?"

"Yes, I can't sleep without talking."

Qin Nanshan: "..."

Your own seed is actually a chatter!

"Your grandfather didn't talk to him before he went to bed, and I didn't know if he could sleep well."

As soon as Dabao heard this, his grandfather's lonely back came to his mind. He remembered that in the past, Grandpa bought food for himself, played with him, and took himself out for a hang out...

Grandpa is so kind to himself that he doesn't even agree to such a small request. It really shouldn't.

So he said loudly, "I want to accompany Grandpa."

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