Chapter 9: No Space Is Safe

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*Hawk's P.O.V*

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked again because they didn't answer the first time.

"We didn't know what to do after training so we thought we'll come here." Assface said.

"Okay." I nodded. "I'm here with someone so could you guys please let us be?"

"Oh, you're the new girl, right?" Doug asked Amy.

She only nodded to his question.

"Her name is Amy." I said to my friends.

"It's nice to meet you, Amy." Assface said, sending her a smile.

The rest of the guys said the same thing to her while she returned with a polite smile.

My eyes were steady as I watched my friends saying hi to Amy.

Why can't they seriously walk away right now? They couldn't see us right here together?

"I think I've seen you around school before." Assface pointed out.

Amy shrugged, unsure. "You might've."

My friends don't know that I stopped myself from hurting Nate because of Amy. So they won't even bother to ask questions about that.

And even if they did, I wouldn't answer.

I don't even think they know that she's cousins with Sam.

I could literally talk to Sam about her cousin and they'll have no idea who I'm talking about.

Which is great for me.

"You guys look really busy so we'll let you guys do your thing." Assface said and then he had to send a quick wink to us both.

When they walked away, I sent a glare in their direction.

"I'm sorry about them." I apologized to Amy.

"You didn't do anything wrong so you don't have to apologize." She tells me.

"I feel like I have to." I said as I looked at her. "They came at an unexpected time and they shouldn't have. They ruined our time together. It won't happen again, I promise."

The beach was private but not private enough.

"I believe you."

I'm sure if my friends didn't come and ruin our fun, I possibly would've wanted to talk to her about my feelings.

But since it got ruined, it wasn't the right time now.

Maybe another day, it will be the right time.

"So are you busy for the rest of the day?" I asked her.

"I'm busy but not that busy." She started to say. "I think Sam wants to find a way to talk to her dad and I told her that I'll be with her when it happens."

I nodded, understanding. "Then maybe one day, we can hang out again. Maybe go to Golf 'N'  Stuff?"

Her face immediately glowed as soon as I finished that last sentence.

I love seeing that smile on her face.

"I love Golf 'N' Stuff." She smiled.

"Oh then if you love it then we have to go one day."

"Yeah, I agree." She nodded. "It'll be a lot of fun if we go there together."

Together. I like the sound of that.

"One day, we'll have that date." I said.

She seemed to have noticed what I said but she kept the smile on her face.

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