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Quite the Coincidence

"Get up."


"Get up"


A scoff escaped from her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest and put all her weight on one leg as she popped her hip out, looking at her sassily.

"Oh, don't you look at me like that."

"I'll look at you however I want to."

The girl rolls her eyes at the other girls retort.

"Up. Now."

"Fine, fine."

"Thank you."

"And brush your hair, you look ridiculous."

The girl groans in annoyance at her need to always seem to be the mom of the friendship, even though it's always her fault for getting themselves into trouble, if not herself on a basis.

"I heard that!"



Lilith "Lily" Bennett is a thing of multiple words. She's a girl whose never listened to her parents since she finds their advice, and excuse my language, stupid.

It's not that Lilith hated her parents. It was really quite the opposite, but on the other hand, she was surely and deeply convinced that her parents didn't share the same feelings towards their daughter.

When Lilith turned 16, her parents decided that it was the year when she was finally maturing into a woman, which also meant that she'd had to marry soon.

Marrying meant to finally settle down with someone. Settling down with someone meant starting a family soon. Starting a family meant that she'd never be able to live the full experience of life, which is exactly what Lilith has been dreaming to do ever since she's been able to open her eyes.

If you'd step foot into Lilith's room, if you'd dare, you'd be able to see a unrealistic amount of maps. One map was hung beside her bed, a smaller one of Italy, her favourite place in the whole wide world even though she's never been there, was hung on her door. Then, she'd had miniature or bigger versions of different types of globes. One was placed on her table, which was crowded with different drawings of famous architectures from different countries, and another globe was placed near her closet door.

While Lilith wasn't busy obsessing over the maps that she managed to memorize the first week she's got them, she's either busy in the garden, the one place where her parents were happy to find her, or locked in her room busy drawing her dreams out on a paper instead of her head which was clogged with so many fantasies that she was definitely losing memory of a lot of other things.

When Lilith was locked in her room, by choice, that was a sign to not step foot in her room, or yet, even come into close proximity of her door, which, was no surprise, covered in her drawings of anything and everything.

At first, her parents found her fantasy's absurd and thought that she was wasting a very nice and wealthy life over 'stupid dreams that will never come true." According to her father and mother, but over the years, instead of her parents still trying to convince her to attend a finish school for ladies, or settle down and marry someone, they now force her to do anything they want her to. Whilst they have tried even multiple therapists to talk her out of her imagination land of travelling the world, nothing could nor would it work on her. Her mind was set straight on her dream and that was final.

𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 • 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 Where stories live. Discover now