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The Holy Trinity and a Sad Story

"We found your flower pressings," Enola said once Lily brought Tewkesbury to them. They started walking out of the flower market, Lily and Tewkesbury still hand-in-hand. "They were quite beautiful." Lily furrowed her eyebrows, because unlike the blonde, Enola wasn't and isn't a fan of flowers. "I don't give a fig about flowers, of course." The brunette said as if on time to Lily's thoughts. The blonde girl smiled at her friend.

"That's because you're ignorant." Tewkesbury said matter-of-factly. Lily and Enola both gasped and smacked his shoulders together at the same time. "Ow!"

"Ignorant? How dare you?" Enola asked offendedly as she glared at Tewkesbury.

"Ignorant and willfully so." Lily piped up with a smirk to annoy her friend even more.

"What is this, you two? Why're you teaming up on me?" She joked as she glared daggers at the two who intertwined their fingers together. "You could change your mind about a boy." Enola said as she glanced back at Lily with a knowing look.

"I'm not a boy." Tewkesbury deadpanned. "I'm a man." He said as he inhaled deeply to get his voice to sound deeper. Lily couldn't help but let out a snort and a laugh.

"That was funny, dear." Lily laughed as she patted Tewkesbury arm supportingly.

"You're a man when I tell you you're a man." Enola said with a serious look on her face.

"You look better in breaches, I'll give you that." Tewkesbury said as he referred to when he first met the two girls, Enola was dressed up as a boy to be in disguise. Lily and Enola looked shocked at what Tewkesbury said and smacked him again. Lily on his head and Enola on his arm. "Ow! Enough, Lils!" He whined.

"I missed you guys." He admitted out of nowhere. Lily furrowed her brows at the sudden soppy moment and wondered how their conversation could possibly lead to this.

"I've wanted to miss you, but Lily kept on dragging me back towards you." Enola said, calling out her friend in front of her crush. The girl made a somewhat inhuman noise and a gasp while Tewkesbury looked down at the now blushing blonde-haired girl.

"Don't look at me like that." Lily snapped as she used her free hand to turn his head the other way. The boy laughed sweetly at the girl and shook his head. "Now, come on. We're in serious danger, if you didn't know." She said and continued to drag the boy behind her.

As the three friends walked out of the market, one thing that went totally unnoticed was a missing poster sign, but it wasn't about Tewkesbury, this time it was about a missing girl. Two in fact.


Lily unlocked their apartment door and walked in. Her eyes darted around the room to make it look somewhat presentable and found her and Enola's undergarments hanging on a rack to dry after last nights events. She quickly took them off the rack and stuffed it under the blanket.

"Is this how you're living?" Tewkesbury asked as he looked around the room.

"Did you just rent the room at the Ritz?" Enola asked sarcastically as she moved to open up the window for more fresh air.

"I afforded myself a shade more comfort than this." Tewkesbury chuckled as he did a 360 around the room.

"We'll, the woman we found assured us this was a fine room." Lily said as she folded some of the clothes that were discarded around the room. Tewkesbury only hummed in sarcasm and Enola rolled her eyes at the boy.

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