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Let's Take a Walk

You would think that jumping off a train would be fun, right? Well, it's not, Lily could justify that fact. She's already lost count of how many times her head hit the ground, so now, she's given up on protecting her head, and focusing on not falling off of the cliff. But, knowing Lily, she was not able to multi-tasking, so instead of focusing on not falling off of the cliff, she made some weird inhuman noises...

"Oh- Ow- No- Ugh- Bloody hell-" Finally, Lily came to a halt once she hit something--possibly a rock--and groaned once again. "Never doing that again," she said to herself as she got up, but then heard another groan coming from somewhere beside her.

Lily looked down and saw the Viscount right beside her, not giving them any space for privacy. Lily's eyes widened in shock and noticed that her hand was on his chest, and his hand was around her waist. The Viscount noticed where his hand was placed and quickly retracted it, Lily doing the same with her hand. "Sorry," the boy said to Lily, his face turning a bright shade of red. Lily only smiled slightly at him and turned away to find Enola.

Once again, the blonde's eyes widened when she saw where Enola was. She was terrifyingly close to the edge of the cliff, with one hand on a boulder to stop herself from falling. Lily was quick to run over to her friend. "Are you okay?" Lily asked her. Enola only nodded slowly, then smiled comfortingly at her friend to reassure her.

Lily was about to say something but was interrupted when she heard deep grunts and pants coming from behind her. Lily shared a similar look with Enola of confusion and turned to look behind her.

The two girls saw Tewkesbury breathing heavily and dusting himself off frantically with wild hands. Lily looked down at her dress and saw grass stains on them, but said nothing and smiled. She knew if her mother saw her in this state, with strands of her hair sticking out in odd places, and her, what was once a nice dress, now covered with green and brown stains. Lily imagined the priceless expression on her mother, and only wished she was there to see it.

"You make an awful lot of noise, don't you?" Enola asked him with annoyance laced in her tone. Lily smiled faintly.

"Well, it turns out, being thrown off a train hurts considerably more than you might think," He replied back sassily, as he continued to wipe chunks of grass off his suit. Enola and Lily looked back at each other, trying their hardest not to laugh at the boy. They would know how it feels to be thrown off a train, after all, it was their plan, and they were there. "And, I've lost a button..." Tewkesbury mumbled to himself. Enola shook her head at the boy, still staring at Lily to see her reaction. Lily was trying her hardest not to burst out laughing.

Finally, Enola decided it was best to start walking so they wouldn't have to walk in the dark. Enola and Lily walked slightly ahead of Tewkesbury, discussing the most random things that would come to mind to get their thoughts off of everything that had just happened. "You do know you've entirely ruined phase three of our plan?" Enola told Tewkesbury as she started stomping faster, her arms waving by her sides like a madman. Lily decided to grab a hold of the hat she had so she wouldn't use it as a weapon toward the boy.

"Phase what?" Tewkesbury asked exasperatedly. "Who the hell are you two?" He asked again as he quickened his pace to walk beside the two girls. He took place to the left of Lily, while Enola was on her right. Enola and Lily ignored his last question. "Look, I believe our recent brush with death deserves me at least a name," Tewkesbury said from beside Lily as he looked down at the girls.

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