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It Was All a Plan

Enola, Lily and Lestrade were all outside of the Basilwether Hall waiting for a carriage to arrive for them in silence.

"His favourite tobacco?" Lestrade asked out of nowhere.

"Black shag." Enola was quick to answer.

"Favourite dessert?" Lily asked, not bothering to look at the man.

"Plum pie." He answered confidently. "His favourite composer?"

"Paganini." The two girls answered together.

"Favourite meal of the day?" Enola asked.

"Breakfast." He answered boringly. "Are all your questions about food?" He asked as he started walking towards the upcoming carriage.

"Well, I am quite hungry." Lily said with a small smirk on her face. Enola rolled her eyes at the man and at Lily.

"His favourite case?" Lestrade asked one last time.

"The one before." Enola said. Sherlock never really talk about any cases with Lily, which she didn't mind because she understood that he wasn't able to share the information, but Enola being Enola, she was eager to find out.

"Favourite board game?" Lily asked as their final question.

Lestrade paused in his step. "How do you know Sherlock Holmes?"

Lily and Enola both knew that they couldn't answer truthfully, so instead Enola said, "chess."

"But only with a worthy opponent." Lily said with a smile. Lestrade said nothing else and clambered into the carriage.

Enola and Lily walked over to the servants that were busy working outside on chopping the excess grass and making the front yard of the Hall look presentable.

The girls saw two males working side by side and they both ran to them.

"Excuse me!" Lily called out to the males. The turned around cautiously. "We'll pay you both five pounds to swap clothes with us." She said with a sweet smile on her face.

Enola took the opportunity to find out more about Tewkesbury. "The young master, he was outside a lot. Am I right?"

"Could never get him inside." The male on the right said.

"Where would he go?" Lily asked.

"The woods." He replied nodding his head behind him. The two girls chuckled at the males sweetly.


Eventually, the girls swapped clothes with the gardeners, and payed them just like they promised.

They walked around in the woods and Lily couldn't keep her smile hidden at all. She enjoyed spending her time in the woods. The fresh smell of the leaves and the wild flowers and plants growing and sprouting for a new season.

They continued walking around the forest looking all over the place for any hints of where Tewkesbury would hide out in the woods when they stumbled upon a fallen tree branch.

"A tree branch broke above me as I was collecting wild mushrooms." Lily remembered he spoke about that while they slept in the field. The two girls bent down to get a closer look at the branch. "It should have crushed me." His voice played in her head.

It doesn't look like it fell due to natural causes... Lily thought to herself as she touched the broken off part.

"We should be close, come on." Enola said as she got back up and continued walking deeper into the forest.

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