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Sweet, Sweet London

When Lily, Enola and Tewkesbury woke up the next morning, they were quick with getting ready to leave. Not that they had a ton of items to bring with them. The three walked a little more through the field and were met with a barn and some farmers walking outside. Lily looked around and spotted a wooden carriage that was transporting a couple of sheep. Enola looked over to where Lily was pointing and immediately understood her plan. They were going to have to sneak on the carriage without the farmers noticing.

Lily wasn't sure how long the drive was. They passed by multiple different sceneries, which were all beautiful, and taught Tewkesbury how to play some hand games, or eye-spy games so they wouldn't be so bored during their ride. Later on, after Enola stopped being a stubborn girl, she joined Lily and the Viscount's games.

Eventually, Lily grew tired of playing games and said that she would rest for a little longer since she didn't get the best sleep last night since they were sleeping on the ground, but she didn't complain.

The blonde rested her head on Enola's shoulder and shut her eyes. She forgot how sick she got whenever she'd travel. She wasn't even sure how she'd survive the train ride if they stayed on it. A second later, a sheep started bleating and Enola resisted the urge to make a joke at first, but she couldn't bear with it for much longer as the sheep continued to bleat. "Well, you would say that," Enola joked. Lily chuckled at her friend's antics and knew very well that she's been fighting off the urge to say that at first. Soon enough, Tewkesbury laughed at her joke, then Enola joined in.

A couple of minutes later, the three found themselves riding in the middle of London. Lily definitely listed London as her top three places to visit, but this was not what she was expecting. It might've been the gloomy weather that made the place sadder and less what she was thinking of, but she found herself staring at a flock of sheep bleating at the corner of a street while people paid little to no mind to them as if it was normal. There were tons of carriages that were carried by horses that filled the air with 'neighs.' There were also ducks.

Finally, the carriage came to a halt since there was traffic going on ahead and Lily and Enola decided that this would be their stop. Enola slid out of the gap first, then Lily. The two girls stared at Tewkesbury and Lily found herself staring at him a bit longer than usual, although she couldn't help it. She praised herself quietly for doing an amazing job with his hair, but she also praised his good looks for managing to pull it off.

"Oh, so this is where we part?" Tewkesbury asked as he stayed on the carriage, staring at Lily longingly.

"It is," Lily said as she continued to stare at the boy. She smiled sadly at him. She saw how Tewkesbury pretended that he didn't care, but after the small amount of time they'd spent together, Lily knew well enough that he was trying not to look, or sound upset. He sighed quietly and looked back up at the two girls.

"Then thank you, Enola Holmes and Lilith Bennett, for helping me here," he said sincerely. Lily wouldn't admit it, but she liked the way he said her name.

Lily continued to smile at the boy as Enola joined in. "You were supposed to forget those names," Lily said jokingly, referring to Enola strictly telling him the day before to forget the information she had accidentally provided the boy with.

"Then you'll have to find another," Tewkesbury said as he stared at Lily with a look she hadn't seen him look at her that way yet. The blonde smiled as the carriage started moving again. Slowly, Tewkesbury started disappearing into the mist that London was carrying around today as Lily and Enola looked at him fade away.

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