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The Return of Tewkesbury

The girls made it back to the centre of London where the streets were busy and loud with people walking by, and workers trying to sell newspapers.

They were here to find Tewkesbury in the Garden Centre, but obviously couldn't appear in front of him with male clothes, and Lily insisted on that, so the girls walked into a random store and bought loose dresses. Enola went for a toned down pink dress while Lily went with a lavender colour.

They walked into the area and it was crowded with many people, each of them picking up all sorts of flowers for different occasions.

Enola and Lily walked side by side and smiled together when little kids ran past them laughing and having the time of their lives.

Lily and Enola both looked around the area for a certain head with fluffy brown hair, and when they finally spotted it, Enola smirked at the blonde girl.

"You enjoy seeing your man." She smirked evilly and Lily rolled her eyes at her friend and shoved her. "I'll let you two talk, but bring him back to me. Got it." Enola said. She wanted her friend to enjoy seeing Tewkesbury again since she knew how, oddly enough, she missed the boy, but they still had to stick to the original plan and save the boy. Lily nodded her head and walked off.

The girl looked around and spotted a big yellow flower and picked it up from its spot in a tube filled with water.

"How much for this flower, kind sir?" She asked as she played with the flower in her hand as the boy turned around.

Tewkesbury turned around with a bright smile on his face as his eyes landed on the girl he's been dreaming about meeting again. The boy chuckled at the girl and decided to play along.

"Free for you, darling." He said with a smirk on his face. Lily's face flushed a scarlet red and she ducked her head so he wouldn't see the big smile on her face and her red cheeks.

Tewkesbury laughed under his breath before he moved closer to the girl and picked her head up under her chin so she would look at him. He had a sweet smile on his face that showed his adorable dimples and Lily had to fight the urge to blush even more.

"What're you doing here?" He asked her, his fingers still under her chin without them realizing it.

"I have a question for you," she said with a sweet smile that made the boys heart flutter. "Why, if you're passionate about flowers, would you come to London?" She asked as she arched an eyebrow at him.

"Because I can be lost here." He answered as he subconsciously played with a loose curl in Lily's hair without noticing. The girl went completely red in the face but said nothing upon looking at the content smile on his adorable face.

"And yet I found you." She said with a smirk.

"But, the real question here is: why have you done so?" He asked with a playful smile on his lips, but it fell as did his hand from her hair. The girl instantly frowned as his mood changed. "You're here for the money. They offered you a reward." He said realizing it all now.

"No-no, Tewkesbury that's wrong! I would never!" She panicked. She didn't think he'd ever think of her that way. She even went as far as to think that he may share the same feelings as her, but it was always a shot in the dark and she knew that she was being foolish. But perhaps..?

Tewkesbury looked at the girl with a small smirk on his face as he looked at the way she panicked.

"Only joking, love." He said with a cheeky smile.

Lily was too mad at him to blush even more at the pet name for her.


"Yes, but you still like me." He said with a smirk but it quickly faltered when he realized what he said. Lily's eyes widened. How did he know? "S-sorry." He apologized sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.

What Lily really wanted to say was, "no, you're right. I do like you." But instead she said, "it's a-alright, don't worry about it." She smiled as she tried to ignore the small pain in her heart.

Little did she know that Tewkesbury was feeling the exact same. He really wanted her to confront him and say that she does actually like him back, a lot. But she didn't, so neither will he.

"But to answer your question, I'm here because strangely I've grown to like you over your absence, and because, as it turns out, your life is still in danger." She smiled sheepishly. The boys cheeks were painted a light shade of pink as he heard her admit that she did somewhat like him.

"What's made you like me more?" He said as he turned around and picked out another flower.

"Really?" She deadpanned. "That's your question? Not 'who is trying to kill me?'" She raised her eyebrows at the boys antics. The boy kept quiet and only handed Lily the flower he picked out for her. She smiled and took it from him. He smirked as he looked down at her.

Then a thought took over her head. "Tewkesbury?" She asked quietly.

"Yes, love?" He said not realizing in the slightest that he keeps on calling her that.

"Can I do something?"

"Like what?" He asked with his eyebrow raised. "Don't kill me though, I'm still a pretty face." He joked. Before the boy knew it, the girl wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a warm embrace. This took Tewkesbury off guard but not a moment later, he wrapped his arms around her curved waist and pulled her tighter into him.

"I did also miss you over your absence." She mumbled into his shoulder and he chuckled at her actions. She was adorable to him.

Tewkesbury picked the girl up off the floor and twirled her around carefully, his hands still firmly around her waist. The girl squealed and hid her head deeper into the arch where his neck and shoulder is. Tewkesbury leaned his head to the side and placed his head on top of hers.

"I missed you more." He admitted as he hugged her closely one more time before putting her down. She still had her arms wrapped around his neck, and his around her waist but now they are further apart so she would be able to talk to him.

"I'm here with Enola." She said as she looked into his gorgeous eyes, careful not to get distracted by them. "Since you are still in danger we're going to look after you. So I have to bring you to her."

"Okay." He said with a smile, as long as you're there because Enola scares me." Tewkesbury admitted while Lily laughed at him and pulled away. "Wait!" He pulled Lily back and placed a kiss on her hairline. "There." He smiled down at her and she looked up at him. She wanted to kiss him so badly but she couldn't. Not yet. She told herself. They stayed there for a second longer, looking at each other and secretly stealing glances towards their lips, but neither of them made a move to lean in.

Lily snapped out of her gaze and smiled up at him. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

Completely unrelated to this story but Theodore Nott is so incredibly hot. I would let him beat me up and i'd say thank you and ask him to do it again.


This was inappropriate but had to be said.

Enjoy your day😆

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