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Finishing School

Shortly after the carriage has arrived, Lily was picked up by her mother in their own carriage, making Mycroft scoff in disbelief for the hundredth time in the past hour.

When Lily's mom stepped out of the carriage, she was greeted with a stern look on her face that quickly turned into one of her mothers well-trained fake smile that she'd put on for guests. Lily only rolled her eyes in response.

For a few minutes, Lily's mom, Annabella, decided to catch up with the two Holme's brothers since she hasn't seen them in quite some time according to her mothers choice of words.

Lily and Enola stepped back to have their own conversation while they still could, and both girls seemed to notice the way Mycroft would catch glances at Lily's mom, while Lily's mom was, no surprise, doing the same thing.

If Lily was being honest, her mother was a very gorgeous woman. Her bright golden locks, just the same as Lily's, and her smart green eyes could make anyone fall head over heels for her. Lucky for Annabella, Lily's dad, Clyde, was the lucky guy to marry her. The one problem with the family was that Clyde was much more older than Annabella. According to Lily, her mom didn't care about who she married, as long as that man had more than enough money to buy a country, she didn't care. Of course Lily, thought the exact opposite. She couldn't care less if her future husband, not that she's planning on getting one soon, would be rich or poor. If she marries someone, then that means she loves them, truly. But, if she marries a random older man who's possibly the richest man in the world, she would rather lock herself in her room and starve herself than ever do that.

Finally, after Annabella finished her conversation with, mainly Mycroft, she bid them goodbye and grabbed Lily's arm to drag her to the carriage.

"I am perfectly capable of walking myself, Mother." Lily said as she tried to get out of her mom's grip, but it only made it worse as she held on tighter, causing Lily's blood to stop flowing through her arms and make her hand feel numb.

Once the Bennett women were in the carriage and ready to travel home, Lily's mom trailed off on her daily rant, of course, taking her anger out on Lily.

"How dare you embarrass me like that?"

Lily tried to speak up, but was only interrupted once again by her mothers loud voice.

"Especially in front of Sherlock and Mycroft!"

Lily heard the way her mother had said Mycroft's name, and quite honestly, she found that disgusting. She was still a married woman, happy about it or not.

"Nonetheless, I have spoken to Mycroft, and he has decided to take charge of Enola's future, as should I. From now on, you will be attending a finishing school."

Lily glanced up from her lap, her vision slowly blurring as tears started to well in her eyes. Lily's dream was to travel the world, see every beautiful building she possibly could. But never, ever, had she ever thought of going to a finishing school.

"Mother, I-"

"IF," Her mother spoke up once more interrupting Lily. "If, you behave well for this while, I will be kind enough to put you in the same school as Enola."

"But, you can't possibly think that way, mother! You know very well that attending a finishing school is not something on my list, nor will it ever be seen there!" Lily exclaimed.

"Of course that school isn't on your list. That's because you never seemed to care, not even a tad bit more than your unhelpful father, about your future. I am the only well-thinking person in this family that is thinking for your future. You should be thankful!" Annabella spat as the anger rose to her cheeks, clearly showing that this topic was one that she's been thinking about for quite some time.

Lily sat quietly, staring down at her fingers as she tried her very best not to let the tears fall. It's not that she didn't like people seeing her at her weakest moment, that's probably one of the very few things she despises, but crying in front of her mother was deeply embarrassing, also showing her that her mother has won this game, and Lily would never let her mother win this.

It was at around 9:25 into the night when Lily heard a light rhythmic tap on her bedroom window.

As she lifted her head off of her pillow, showing her red and puffy eyes from crying, she noticed Enola standing there, looking worried for her friend.

Once Lily found the strength to get up and open the window, she was greeted with one of the biggest and sweetest, but probably the most strongest bone-crushing hug.

"My love, what's happened?" Enola asked sweetly but quietly making sure not to wake up the Bennett household.

"You'd find it rather silly if I say..." Lily responded back quietly, since her throat was still dry from the salt water tears.

"Enlighten me." Enola joked as she brought Lily back to the edge of her bed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in for another hug, but this time a much more calmer one.

"Mothers sending me to a boarding school, and I can't escape out of this one this time, Enola. She really means it this time. Nothing could stop her."

Enola's mouth was wide open as she heard the same situation that merely happened to her a couple of hours ago, happen to her best friend as well.

Enola knew really well that Lily's dream was to travel the world, rather than settle down as quick as she could with a husband and children. She was the same as Enola, and that's one of the many things the Holme's girl found most intriguing about her.

"Would you believe me that the very same thing happened to me?" Enola asked as she rubbed her hand up and down Lily's arm, something she grew quite fond of over the years.

"Possibly," Lily smiled slightly, remembering that her mother said that Enola would be attending a finishing school as well.

"I guess our dreams are really just simple, silly dreams..."



I hate Lily's mom.

I hate Lily's dad.

I hate Lily's family.

I love Lily and Enola's friendship.


Sorry this was just a filler chapter and to show you guys how Lily's home life is kind of like


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