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Save the Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether

The two girls sat in their shared room right beside the fire to warm up from the events of before.

It was silent between the two as they were both in deep thought. Lily was thinking about Tewkesbury, and Enola about her mother and the truth she uncovered.

Even though Lily and Enola never asked for the Viscount Tewkesbury Marquess of Basilwether in their life, she strangely liked having him with her. He was caring, sweet, intelligent, and quite handsome. Even though he has caused a lot of trouble for both of the girls (tonight being an excellent example of so) she weirdly felt like she needed to help him. As if she was responsible of looking after him. Like a mother looking after her child.

Lily was aware that she also felt this way because of her feelings towards the boy, and was aware that her heart longs to see him again, but she simply couldn't. She came here not to find love but to find Enola's mother, and if she went out of her way to search for the boy she left in cart with sheep, she would deem as a bad friend to her only friend.

But it was nice to have another friend along. She did enjoy his presence nonetheless.

Lily also knew why she felt so responsible to keep the boy safe. It was because there were those that wanted to hurt him, and she knew that he didn't have the strength to keep himself safe, but she did.

Lily decided that overthinking the entire situation with Tewkesbury was unnecessary and decided to ask Enola on her opinion.

"Enola?" Lily asked quietly. The brunette hummed in the same noise level. "The Marquess of Basilwether, Tewkesbury. Would it be weird to say that..well..that I feel a certain responsibility to protect him?" She asked warily as she fidgeted with her fingers. Enola looked up from her spot on the ground with a questioning look toward her friend.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I mean, we both know he isn't capable to take care of himself, and that man is still out there looking for him to kill him! And although I would never admit this out loud again, I have grown a liking to the boy! I mean, he's sweet, charming, caring, smart, and quite honestly, very cute, so would it be weird to say that I have an urge to simply just protect him..." she rambled as she got more and more stressed. She saw Enola smirk at the girl at the mention of her saying he was cute, but it faltered and thought about what Lily said.

Enola couldn't help but admit that she was right. The boy had no clue what so ever on how to protect himself, but they knew. And of course, Enola knew that Lilith had grown a liking to the boy, so no wonder her feelings are so strong about this topic.

It took the brunette a while to respond and Lily was starting to grow worried.

"I think you're right." She said finally as she looked back up at the girl. "He needs protection, and he is not able to do so himself."

"But listen! We're here for your mother, not for some boy! I will be okay if you reject my idea and we just continue looking for Eudoria." Lily stated strictly. She was an incredibly loyal friend, and her friends opinions came first.

"Lils, I'm okay with it. More than okay actually. It's clever of you to think so, and as of right now, we've found so much new information about Mother that if I'm being honest, I'm not sure I want to find out more..." Enola trailed off in thought and Lily pitied the girl but smiled.

"So, what now?" She asked quietly.

"Now," Enola spoke up with an exhale. "Now, we focus solely on the Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether."

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