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Prison Break.

Miss Harrison left the two girls in their rooms on an incredibly depressing note.

As it turns out, Miss Harrison and Enola's mother used to be friends and go to school together. What wasn't surprising? Miss Harrison insulting Enola's mother right in front of the two girls. Maybe it was because the woman wanted to see if the girls would get mad, or because she purely loved the idea of insulting people, but Lily couldn't stand it.

She couldn't stand listening to a stuck up woman talk about Enola's mother that way. Eudoria Holmes was a much better person that Miss Harrison could ever be. She was smarter, nicer, and much better looking. Eudoria never cared the backstory about a person, the only thing that mattered was the present, and what that person would do with it.

That's why Lily was so easily accepted into Enola's home. Because Eudoria saw the good in her, saw that she wanted nothing of the life she was living, and she knew that Lily was going to do something about it if it was the last thing she would do.

"Prefects will accompany you to and from your lessons." Miss Harrison spoke up to both girls, making her way towards the door. "This door will always be kept locked." Lily clenched her fists tightly by her sides. "You'll thank me, one day, when you're happily married with a pair of strapping boys."

At the mention of boys, Lily's heart ached. She couldn't help but think of Tewkesbury, how he was doing, how he's holding up on his own, if he's even alive, and before the blonde knew it, tears started to well up in her eyes. When would she ever see the boy she longed to be with?

With that, Miss Harrison walked out of the bedroom and instantly locked the door behind her. Only once Lily heard her footsteps disappear did she break down. Enola was quick to wrap her arms around her best friend, thankful that she had Lilith with her to keep her sane in the god-awful school they were in.

The two spent the night assuring each other that everything would be alright, but they didn't know that.


IN THE MORNING, the two girls were woken up with loud knocks, yelling for them to get up since someone was here to visit the both of them.

With furrowed brows and a lot on their minds, the two rushed to get ready and met Miss Harrison outside their bedroom door. "Your brother is here." She simply informed and started walking down the hall, the two girls trailing behind her.

Lily and Enola shared confused looks, wondering why Mycroft would want to see both of them.

Only once they entered the office, did Lily's face light up. It wasn't Mycroft that was here to see them, but Sherlock.

Enola visibly relaxed and a small smile took over her lips. "You," she said quietly.

"Thank you, Miss Harrison." Sherlock said simply, dismissing the woman out of her own office. The two girls shared amused looks as they watched the woman stutter over her own words.

"Not very ladylike," Lily whispered to Enola who quietly snickered and covered it up with a sneeze.

"I have never seen such a range of romances in my life." The man said, not bothering to say hello, or how are you. Not that the girls cared, they eyed Sherlock and from head to toe and noticed a newspaper under his arm. Without thinking twice, the two ran up to the man and snatched the paper away.

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