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Family Reunion. Kinda.

Lily and Enola decided that biking would be the most efficient way to get to the train station with just enough time to spare to prepare themselves for the Holme's brothers arrival.

"Take a deep breath." Lily told Enola as they dropped their bikes in a nearby bush, but not too close so that someone could see. "Everything will be fine."

"I just hope you're right. You know how Mycroft is." Stressed Enola as she started shaking her hands frantically, something she does when she's stressed.

Lily pulled up her dress sleeve to look at her hidden watch to check the time.

"Dear, we've only two minutes before the train arrives, I do suggest we start walking."

"Yes, yeah. That's smart." Enola said.

"Well of course it's smart! I thought of it." Grinned Lily as she grabbed Enola's arm and looped her's through the gap.

Enola snorted at her friends response, a small smile pulling at her lips, but it quickly dropped when she noticed that the train was already sitting on the tracks as people got off and on the train.

"Oh, brother..."

"You mean brother's?" Lily tried to joke her way out of it but it didn't work since Enola's grip tightened around Lily's arm.

"It's fine, I'll be right here with you." Lily reassured her best friend for the 100th time and it's only 10:00 A.M.

Enola and Lily walked together, keeping their eyes on her siblings just in case they get lost in the crowd, somehow, which might be impossible since one of them is the very famous Sherlock Holmes.

The two brothers stepped off the train and started making their way down the path.

Sherlock looked much more older than Lily seemed to remember. He was more stronger now since his arms were thicker. Mycroft however, didn't change a tad and Lily could still tell he was the same no-good stuck up man like he was before.

Enola saw her brothers walk toward her and straightened out her dress from the wrinkles that were made while cycling.

Lily watched as the two brothers continued walking, and she herself straightened her dress and her posture after noticing Mycroft since she wasn't in the mood for her daily lecture from her elders.

The one thing the two girls didn't think would happen happened. The Holme's brothers merely continued walking, making a gap between themselves to walk around the two waiting girls seeing as they didn't notice them, and they might've thought that they were simply two teenage girls waiting for someone else to arrive.

Lily scoffed at their actions and remembered that the two males haven't seen their sister and Lily in quite a while since they left during Enola's early ages. Enola, however, kept her smile on her face and turned around to face the backs of her brothers.

"Mr. Holmes," She asked innocently, catching both of their attention. "And, um, Mr. Holmes?"

She and Lily walked closer, still hand in hand towards the men.

"Yes?" Sherlock asked, confused as to why someone might be talking to them after they've just arrived.

"You sent for me?" Enola clarified then looked towards Lily and said, "Well, us."

Mycroft and Sherlock still looked confused and Lily clarified once more.

"You sent a telegram." She said with a smile.

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