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The Ultimate Plan

Once Lily has calmed down and her red eyes were slowly turning back to its regular skin colour, she noticed for the first time this night that Enola wasn't dressed exactly like herself.

Instead, she was wearing a brown flat-cap, and a boys uniform. Something a farm boy would wear.

"Enola," Lily say up from her position from laying her head on Enola's lap.


"What're you wearing?" Lily asked, then chuckled at how ridiculous she looked, but somehow she managed to pull it off at the same time.

Enola seemed to have forgot about her whole plan, but before then, when she saw her best friend at one of her lowest point, she didn't seem to care about it.

"Oh! Of course, I completely forgot!" Enola remembered, standing up from her spot and the bed to get a better view of her friend so she can explain everything to her. One thing you need to know about Enola, is that she'd never leave her friend behind. Especially, Lily.

The brunette friend explained everything to Lily, starting from the mystery she recently uncovered by her mother, like the money in her chrysanthemum paintings, or her secret message from the present Enola got the morning past.

"So, I need you to get on the train at exactly 8:50 sharp." Enola pointed her finger at Lily's direction as she knew that Lily was never one to arrive anywhere on time.

"Deal," Lily said as she shook Enola's hand.

"Oh, and wear something fancy!" Enola whisper-shouted to Lily as she made her way back to the window.

"Alright." Lily smiled.

It was around 7:50 in the morning when Lily woke up and started getting ready for her exciting adventure with Enola.

She crept around the house quietly as she brushed her teeth, braided her hair into two french braids, something she's accomplished to do at a young age, and has been proud of it ever since.

She then went over to her closet, then picked up a piece of wooden plank that was loose ever since the Bennett's moved into their new house, and in there were all of Lily's clothes for activities where she'd have to be active, so mainly boy clothes, something similar to what Enola was wearing last night.

Once she changed into her nicest dress, and the one that she liked the best, she picked up her other clothes, and a shirt and pants for Enola, just in case, and put them all into the bag.

She checked her reflection in her mirror once more, then walked downstairs, quietly, and making sure to step over the planks that creak so she won't wake her parents up, and finally put on her boots, that were thankfully covered by her dress, then left the house.

She decided that walking would take too long, and she didn't want to take her families carriage since that'd show that she really left, and she wouldn't want to find her face on a missing poster just yet.

Once she made up her mind, she took her beautiful mixed coloured horse that's black and white, something that everyone found unusual, but Lily found it gorgeous.

When she mounted on her horse, Otto, she rode fast on it towards the train station since it was now 8:40, and she'd still have to find a way to sneak onto the train.

Once Lily dismounted from her horse, she has already made up a plan on her way there.

She decided that to cause a distraction she was going to have to use her horse as the main character here.

Her plan was to make Otto go crazy, attracting everyone's attention, and fake getting hit by her horse, she was going to have to fall on the floor. Then, when everyone was busy trying to calm down her horse, she'd have to slip out from everyone's view and get onto the train. Once she was on the train, her only goal was to find Enola.

Should be simple.

"Don't be mad at me forever, please." Lily apologized to her horse right before she slapped the horses back thigh, making it neigh with shock and pick up his front feet.

Lily gasped with fake shop, trying her best to make it sound believable and loud as possible so people get the hint to help.

Exactly how she hoped, she fell on her bottom, hitting the ground harder than she expected, also scraping her hands, but that didn't matter now that multiple men started gathering around, trying their best to calm down the horse.

A man that seemed to work at the station came up to her hastily to ask her if she's alright. She quickly nodded before adjusting her view back on her horse, scared at what they might do if he continues to struggle.

"Don't worry, Miss, your horse will be fine," The man said, then looked back and saw that the men still needed help containing. "Excuse me, please." He apologized then quickly made his way over to the crowd that was slowly getting bigger as more and more curious people crowded around.

"Take your time.." Mumbled Lily quietly as she scrambled to her feet and slowly made her way over to one of the doors on the train, which thankfully had no one guarding it. She quickly glanced back at her horse and apologized once more for causing such a ruckus, and boarded the train.



Lily is a goddamn mastermind.

This plan shocked me myself I lowkey have no clue how I came up with this but I am lovinggg it!!!

Guys it's just the way that I imagine Lily saying the last line ("take your time..") and the smirk I imagine on her face as she climbs onto the train has got me screaming into my pillow!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lowkey gonna just make this a Lilith Bennett fanfic and that'll be the end of that. Thanks.


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