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Explosions and Fights

The two girls ran around the room, trying to uncover more of Eudoria's evil plans, and only wished that they had not tried to find more. Lily sucked in a sharp breath as she looked at more than a dozen of grenades and bombs laying neatly in another wooden crate.

"Sherlock was right too," she said with pain and sadness evident in Enola's voice, "you are dangerous too..." Lily sighed quietly as she looked over at Enola's stoic face. "What are you planning, Mother? Do I want to find you?


The two decided it was best to leave before they uncovered more of something neither of them wanted to see.

They were walking beside each other quietly as they both thought of what the hell they just found and tried to think of possibilities of Eudoria being safe and innocent, but they both knew that with the evidence they just found that they could say nothing to stand with Eudoria, even if they wanted to.

Everything else happened way too fast. Lily was grabbed by the back of her dress, while Enola was knocked out cold, and was dropped into a wooden basin full of water.

The mysterious person kept forcing Lily's head deeper into the water, in hopes to drown her while she kicked and screamed underwater to be set free.

She struggled against the grip of the person behind her as he hands slipped on the edge of the basin to be pulled up. She felt her heart beating in her ears and her face felt hot somehow under the water. She felt herself slowly running out of air but tried her best to not use up so much oxygen, even though it was nearly impossible.

Just before she was ready to lose hope and be ready to let go of life, she was pulled back up as she breathed deep breaths to get as much air back into her lungs as possible.

"I will ask you this only once." Spoke the man. Lily recognized him instantly as the bad guy from the train that was trying to kill Tewksbury. "Where is the marquess?" He asked in a deep and hurried tone.

Lily chuckled under her breath as she decided to tease the man for a while, hearing his hurried tone of voice, he was most likely running out of time.

The blonde girl took her time answering the man and smirked. "Now who would that be?" She asked, feigning confusion.

The man grunted as he pulled Lily back down into the water, watching and making her struggle against his grip yet again.

He pulled her back up, and waited for an honest answer. Now she was starting to get worried and completely ignored her dumb plan where she decided to mess around with the man in the bowler hat.

"We went our separate ways!" She yelled as she tried to breathe in more air, only making her cough loudly.

The man dunked her in again and then pulled her back out as a way to torture the poor girl. She saw her vision blur, but not from the loss of air, (although she was), but as tears started to pool in her eyes as she noticed Enola's limp body on the ground and she realized that she didn't have much hope of living any longer or surviving.

"Please..." she croaked out with a broken voice from all the coughing and yelling.

"Well that's a shame," he said with an evil smirk on his face. "But, you've seen my face now." He said darkly as he wrapped his hands around her throat and Lily gasped and struggled against his grip as she realized that he was now going to drown her until her last breath.

"No! No! Please! Your face is totally unmemorable!" She panicked to find an excuse and was dunked into the water again, this time his grip even more stronger than the last as he was determined to drown her.

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