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Late Night Talks

Lily had lost track of how long they'd been walking. She noticed that Enola had a watch on her wrist, but quickly realized that it didn't work properly. "Did you really just steal a random watch from Sherlock?" Lily asked with a small smile on her face.

"Uh- In my defence, I was rushing to leave the grasp of Mycroft," Enola retorted as she ripped her hand away from Lily's grasp. The blonde laughed at how defensive her friend got. Lily noticed that the sun was already setting. It was really pretty. "We should think about sleeping soon," Enola sighed from beside Lily.

Tewkesbury sighed from the left of Lily. "We should think about eating soon," he added.

"You know, if I knew we were going to jump off a train and spend our whole day walking in a random field in the middle of nowhere, I would've brought a picnic basket with me," Lily said sarcastically as she sighed as well. She had to admit, her legs were slowly getting more and more tired, and her stomach kept on annoying her by growling. Enola and Tewkesbury chuckled at her sarcastic comment.

Although Lily calmed down from her outburst on Tewkesbury, she still found him an idiot. A nincompoop, if you will. "But, we have nothing to eat," Enola said as she looked up at Tewkesbury. Lily focused on the sun setting on the horizon.

"Of course we do," Tewkesbury said as he furrowed his brows. Lily raised her eyebrows in question. "Arctium Lappa, which you'll know as burdock," Tewkesbury said as he stepped ahead and pointed to some big leaves that had something that look like sticks growing from the bottom of them. "Very tasty," he added as he raised his eyebrows at Lily with a smirk. Lily furrowed her brows. Why was he smirking at her?

Enola raised her eyebrows at his plant knowledge. Tewkesbury walked to the other side and pointed to something else on the ground. "Um, and then there's Trifolium, clover," Lily smiled at the thought of the sweet honey taste from the purple plants. Tewkesbury started mumbling something under his breath as he walked a little bit further to the other side of the field. "Yes, I knew it!" Tewkesbury said giddily as he ran over to mushrooms.

Lily had to admit that he looked quite sweet, maybe even adorable when he talked about all of this. Enola planted her hands on her hips as she looked down at Lily and saw a smile on her lips as she looked at Tewkesbury. The brunette smirked at her friend. "Mushrooms! Also known as, Agaricus lanipes," Tewkesbury said with a smile as he looked up at the girls, his eyes drawing almost immediately to Lily. The two friends walked over to the boy. "The princess," Tewkesbury said as he stared deep into Lily's eyes. The blonde blushed like a madman. Tewkesbury passed the mushroom to Lily with a cute smile on his face.

"If we can get a fire started, Tewkesbury can make us a feast," Lily suggested. Tewkesbury smiled innocently while Enola sighed and agreed. Lily and Enola started walking around to find some sticks and logs to start the fire. Enola looked over at Lily and smirked while she raised her eyebrows at her, while the blonde rolled her eyes at her friends' actions.

"I'm not entirely an idiot, you know," Tewkesbury said to Lily, while he stared at her with a small smile playing on his lips. Lily turned around to face Tewkesbury for a second.

"You're not an idiot when I tell you you're not an idiot," Lily joked as she smiled at him faintly and turned to continue walking around. She heard Tewkesbury chuckle under his breath, and her smile only grew.

While the two friends walked through the fields to find fallen branches and random logs, Enola spoke up, "So, the Viscount, huh?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows at Lily again. The blonde-haired girl rolled her eyes again.

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