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Put Up a Fight

"So you genuinely believe my life's in danger?" Tewkesbury asked while chasing after Enola who was running around the place looking for stuff to make tea with. "Uh, from whom?" He asked, trying to figure out anything about the case and how to keep himself somewhat safe.

"Your past and your future." Enola said, not explaining a single thing to the boy, only making him for confused than before.

"Whatever does that mean?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe with a confused expression taken over on his face.

"Your family," Lily explained to the boy who looked down at her with an even more confused expression. "They didn't send a detective to find you." She continued.

"They could have, and they didn't." Enola added on, filling up a kettle and closing the lid shut once it was full with water. "Instead, they sent a murderer."

"Why would anyone want me dead?" He asked as Enola walked out of the room with a full kettle.

"Countless reasons!" She joked, but Tewkesbury didnt seem to find it an ounce bit funny so Lily was quick to smack some senses into her friend who seemed to get the point.

"She's joking, love." The blonde told Tewkesbury softly and laid a hand on his upper arm. He smiled down at the girl thoughtfully.

"Possibly because of your land, your estate, your title, your seat," the brunette started to list off reasons while walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Same reasons they wanted your father dead." Lily added on from the research she has done about the boy and his family. "Greed does funny things to people." She said knowingly.

"So now you're saying you think they killed my father?" He asked rhetorically, staring at the girls with pure shock.

"We don't think." Enola said as she set down the kettle into the fire to warm it up. "I know."

"No, no. None of this makes the slightest sense!" The boy fought back as he tried to rack his brain for an excuse to prove the girls wrong. "My fathers death was caused by a botched burglary." He continued. It tslightly pained to see Lily try his hardest not to agree with the girls just to prove that his whole life has been a lie. "And— and it would have been easier to kill me before I ran away, rather than now—" Tewkesbury continued on ranting, each second his voice raising with anger and fear laced in his tone.

"We entirely agree!" Enola and Lily explained, trying to keep the boy sane rather than losing his mind at a time where they needed him alive.

"We both think they tried to," Lily said, looking up at the boy with a pitied look.

"We found the branch that almost killed you." Enola added on. At this point, the kettle was whistling way too loud, but all three teenagers decided to ignore it and focus on the problem at hand, which is to explain everything to a panicked Tewkesbury. Which also lead the three of them to completely miss the fact that someone else was in the room with them.

"It had been cut." Lily explained to the boy who looked down at her then back to the brunette.

"Cut?" Tewkesbury asked, but didn't get an answer since Enola grabbed the hot kettle and whipped it at the figure who was in thd room with them.

"Run!" Lily shrieked and ran out of the room, making sure that Enola and Tewkesbury were right behind her.

The strange figure continued to yell at the three kids to come back but obviously they didn't listen and pounced up the stairs, breathing loudly.

"Who's he?!" Tewkesbury shrieked out, following the blonde who was in front of him, mainly so he can keep an eye on the girl to make sure that she was safe.

They ran into the room, slamming the door shut. "Move the chest! Move the chest!" Lily panted while holding the door closed, stopping from anyone entering the room.

Tewkesbury moved the chest in front of the door just in time for the random man to start banging on the door and shaking the handle.

"Inspector Lestrade, I need to report an attempted murder!" Lily yelled out to the man on the other side of the door who was too busy trying to open the door to listen to the blonde. "You're supposed to be on our side!"

The three teenagers pushed themselves up against the chest that was barricading the door from opening and used all their strengths to keep it there. Enola glanced around the room frantically and then an idea popped into her head.

"See that window over there?" She asked him frantically. Tewkesbury looked to the side to see the window she was looking at. He silently nodded. "It leads onto a roof." She explained to the boy who was panting like crazy.

Lily faltered for a moment too long while being lost in her thoughts. He was going to leave. He had to leave. Yes, it was incredibly selfish of her to think this way, but she didn't want to, nor let the boy leave. She had just gotten him back, and she was finally happy with how things were turning out, but he had to leave. Again. Lily knew that if she made the boy stay here with her, he would die, and his blood would be on her hands. It would be her fault. She couldn't let that happen. She breathed in sharply and looked at the boy who had tears rimming in his eyes.

"If he catches you, your life will be in danger!" Lily explained to the boy frantically, trying to keep her voice from breaking, but she was failing miserably. "If he catches us, it's simply a life we do not want!" She said, this time tears brimmed her eyes and a single tear rolled down her cheek. She sniffled as she the boy slowly relaxed and leaned up from the chest.

Tewkesbury was quiet for a moment as he looked at Lily with a saddened look in his eyes. Slowly, his heart was breaking again. He would have to leave her again. And he wasn't sure if he could handle that again. "I don't want to leave you, Lilith." He whispered as the girl sniffled and tried her best to keep the tears at bay.

As time continued to pass by, Lestrade and the other woman on the other side of the door were gaining more strength to open the door, meaning they had little time before they'd be caught and Tewkesbury would be in the kind of trouble that would be impossible to get him out of.

"I'll see you again," he whispered as he grabbed a hold of her face with both of his hands on each side of her. "I promise." He wiped the tears that were rolling down her cheek away with the pads of his thumbs and leaned down to press a sweet yet passionate kiss to her lips.

The kiss seemed to be one that says goodbye but not one that would be forever. Like they were going to see each other again soon. Very soon.

"Please, go!" She pleaded out to the boy who spared one last glance at her and ran towards the window. Lily looked back at the door to gain more strength to keep it closed, and when she looked back the boy was gone.

The two girls were slowly losing their strength and they knew they wouldn't be able to hold the door closed any longer.

Eventually, the door was pushed open with much strength from both sides to keep it closed, and one side to open it up.

Enola grabbed a hold of Lily's hand and pulled her closer to herself. Inspector Lestrade walked into the room as long with the woman who owned the shop where they bought their dresses.

"He's worth more." The man said, pointing to the open window where Tewkesbury climbed out of. "But you two give me greater pleasure." He said with an evil smirk and a finger pointed at both of them.

So yeah! He's gone

Oopsie haha

Don't worry guys we have faith ! Stay delulu my friends!!!


Also, I'm so sorry for not publishing my school literally ends at 5:30 every day and by the time I get home it's like 7 pm so I'm struggling with everything rn!!

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