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Realization Took its Time

The three girls moved to sit inside of Edith's office for more privacy and less noise.

The older woman was leaning against her wooden desk with her arms crossed over her chest while Enola sat on the chair and Lily on the ground.

"You're both alone? In London?" She asked after a moment of silence.

The two younger girls shared a look before responding with a quiet "yes".

"There was a useless boy, but I rid myself of him." Enola said without hesitating. Lily furrowed her brows and disagreed with the fact that he was useless. Without him, they wouldn't have found the food to eat in the field, whereas they probably would've starved to death.

Edith only hummed in slight thought as she looked down at Lily to see if she agreed. The girl only looked away. Secretly, she was starting to miss the presence of the Viscount, but would never admit it to anyone.

"We have money, lodgings. We just need to find her." Enola spoke up with a desperate look in her eyes. Everyone in the room knew who the her was without mentioning her name.

"What makes you think that she wants to be found?" Edith asked as she looked at the both girls. "Eudoria's been hiding all her life," she says. "If she wants to stay hidden, she will." She added with a small shrug.

Enola looked crushed at the woman's words and Lily felt her heart shatter at the look on her best friends face.

"And besides, she has work to do."

"What work?" The girls asked at the same time.

"I cannot say." Edith said with a downcast look to the floor.

Enola looked away in thought while Lily sat on the floor wondering what their next step of the plan should be.

"So you were at that meeting too.." The brunette says in realization. Edith's eyes widened like a deer in headlights. Lily's eyebrows furrowed.

"Who's Ellie Houseman?" Enola asked with her eyebrows high on her face.

Edith looked like she was ready to answer the question but stopped herself before she could say something she couldn't or wasn't allowed to.

"I wish I could help you more." The woman said without looking at the two girls.

"You can, but you won't." Lily said with a simple shrug as she glared at the woman. Enola nodded her head in agreement.

"I must get back to my students." Edith said, getting off of her spot on the desk. "You can see yourself out."

"Hey!" Enola yelled out, anger clogging her vision. She was so close to finding out more hints about where her mother is and she wasn't ready to just leave it.

"Enola, leave it!" Lily called out, but was too late as Enola was tackled to the ground with Edith on top of her. Lily knew she could do nothing to help out and was forced to sit and watch it all happen.

Enola tried a new tactic to get Edith on the ground, but failed as the woman caught her legs and held her still.

The brunette on the floor glared and poured at the older woman and banged her head on the ground out of annoyance.

And with that, Edith left the room, looking back at the two girls before sighing and closing the door on her way out.

Lily got up from her spot on the floor and fixed her dress and walked over to Enola.

𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 • 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 Where stories live. Discover now